
Britain eyes Cornwall for take-off into space

Newquay, Cornwall: The wind is roaring off the Atlantic at Cornwall airport, blowing patterns in the puddles on the tarmac.

In the brief silences between the gusts you can hear the sheep baa.

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Britain's first spaceport - in Cornwall?

Europe correspondent Nick Miller visits Cornwall Airport in Newquay which hopes to become Britain’s first spaceport in just three years’ time.

In just three years' time, this could be Britain's first spaceport.

Jumbo jets will roll off the runway over the cliffs to the sea, carrying rocket payloads to launch over the ocean into space with clusters of next-generation 'cube' satellites.

Within a decade, it may be one of a network of launchpads for Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic, where the well-heeled leave their million-pound beachhouses for an off-planet jaunt, just for the larks.

Not long after that, it might be a 'hyper-sonic' flight hub, where moguls and rockstars shell out for hops around the planet: New York in an hour, Sydney in three.


And the adjacent 'business park' – currently a muddy plain – will bristle with science labs, preparing and evaluating experiments in microgravity that could transform chemistry or medicine.

This is the dream, anyway.

The UK government has declared the country back in the space race.

It is 45 years since the British-designed and built Black Arrow took off from Woomera in South Australia, taking a Prospero satellite into orbit and making Britain only the sixth country in the world to successfully launch a space vehicle.

But at the time of launch the project had already been cancelled. Since then Britain has become a world leader in manufacturing satellites, all of which have flown to space on foreign technology, in a foreign country.

Last week the government published a draft bill setting out the rules and regulations for a new space launch industry. And it offered a £10 million ($16 million) carrot to the handful of sites around the country who believe they can transform into a spaceport.

Jo Johnson, minister of state for science research, told the 'Launch UK' meeting at the Royal Aeronautical Society that the country was "at the dawn of a very exciting new era".

He promised the first launches from British soil by 2020.

Added aviation minister Lord Ahman: "we are boldly legislating where no British government has legislated before".

Miles Carden, aerohub enterprise zone manager at Cornwall Airport Newquay, is confident they will be Britain's first spaceport.

"If it's going to be anywhere by 2020 it's going to be Newquay," he says, boasting that their active commercial airport has space to spare, local planning exemptions and a long history of rocket tests and military use (it was a heavy bomber base in the Cold War).

"All we need is to build a new hangar," he says. 

He was born the year man stepped onto the moon, and he's still excited by the idea of space travel.

"It is cool stuff," he says. "You sort of feel when you look back at history that we've lost that. The Shuttle no longer operates, Concord's gone. We want to get that back. We've plateaued for a bit. You feel you're on the cusp of it kicking off again and that's exciting."

Though there are a handful of bidders for the cash, the frontrunners are Newquay and Glasgow Prestwick. The government doesn't want to pick a winner – so both could end up as active spaceports.

A couple of years ago the talk was all about space tourism but "people have gone quieter on that" recently, Carden says.

That's partly due to the 2014 Virgin Galactic explosion, but it's also because, as the dream moves closer to reality, the accountants have gotten involved.

"It's not going to pay the bills," says Carden.

What will pay the bills is the huge, and exponentially growing industry of 'smallsats'. Over the past 5 years, 902 'smallsats' were launched. Before 2025 there will be another 3600.

Big satellites generally need to be launched from fixed, vertical launch sites near the equator, but smaller ones can be launched from just about any country on earth – or from a plane over the ocean.

Maxime Puteaux, a satellite expert from Euroconsult says the "old space world" of big, horrifically expensive satellite launches is gone, replaced by constellations of high-tech cubes.

"Small space is taking over," he says. "We are definitely on the threshold of a new era."

Satellite technology is plummeting in price. The biggest use is in 'Earth observation' – weather forecasting, environmental monitoring and map making. The other big economic driver is the next generation of communication networks.

But there's a bottleneck in the ability to send these satellites up fast enough – despite India's launch last week of 104 satellites on a single rocket.

A whole new industry has emerged of "launch brokers", who scan the world for potential 'rideshare' opportunities and market them online in a kind of Space Uber.

Puteaux says the big challenge for the UK is to develop an industry that can compete in price with providers in China and India.

So will this all be a reality by 2020? Carden is sceptical. In the end it's a commercial, not a practical question, he says.

"But that's not the point," he says. "What we're in it for really is giving our children the opportunity."

The opportunity to join the race to the stars.