
Former principal admits abusing brothers on school camping trip in the 1970s

The parents of a boy uneasy about a teacher's plans to take their young son on a camping trip only relented when the man offered to take the boy's brother along, too.

Their concerns were justified – instead of them being safe with him, Paul James Bussey abused both children, two of the many victims of the former Victorian school principal.

Bussey, now 70, pleaded guilty on Friday to multiple counts of indecent assault and unlawful exposure against some of his former students during the 1970s.

The boys were all aged between 10 and 12 at the time.

Bussey abused the boys during camping trips in Beechworth, Lake Sambell and at his Hawthorn flat between 1972 and 1976, the Victorian County Court heard.

At the time of the offences, Bussey worked as a teacher at Menzies Creek Primary School and Research Primary School.


One of his students and that child's brother were abused after Bussey persuaded the parents to let him take their sons on a camping trip.

"The accused arranged with the boy's parents to take him away on a camping trip," prosecutor David Cordy told a plea hearing.

"The boy's parents were uneasy about the arrangement and the accused suggested the boy bring his brother along."

The teacher also abused more boys during another camping trip and asked them to touch his genitals as he lay naked underneath a sleeping bag.

The abuse was not revealed until many years later, beginning in 2008.

"I will never forgive this man for taking my childhood from me and setting me on a path of self-hatred and depression," one man, now 50, said in his victim impact statement on Friday.

"I was a 10-year-old boy who was preyed on by someone who was supposed to care for me."

Another man said he thought he had protected his brother from Bussey's abuse.

"I actually believed that by letting it happen I had protected my brother and was devastated when I found out recently this was not the case," he said.

Bussey, who is on bail, will be sentenced by Judge Christopher Ryan on March 3.