Five ways to pay off your mortgage faster and get out of debt

There is virtually no risk in repaying debt as opposed to investing in almost any other asset.
There is virtually no risk in repaying debt as opposed to investing in almost any other asset.

Concerned about your large mortgage and the potential for rising interest rates? Whether you're hostage to debt via your home loan or credit card, taking preemptive steps now will save you pain down the track.

Paying more than the minimum loan repayment is a start, says financial planner Scott McAlees of RSM Financial Services Australia, but a more disciplined approach will get you more bang for your buck.

Taking on all of the following five strategies may not be realistic but starting at least one will not only "future proof" you against higher rates but boost your overall wealth creation.

Anne Graham, managing director of Sigma Wealth Management, says: "Paying off a mortgage is savings in reverse – it saves thousands of dollars in interest over time and provides many benefits that aren't all money-related. If the principal can be reduced in this low rate environment, that provides a buffer for when interest rates eventually rise.

"If you are earning, say, $120,000 a year and have $10,000 in cash savings at 2 per cent (or $200 interest pre-tax), the net return is 1.26 per cent or $126 after tax, not including the Medicare levy. If that $10,000 went toward a mortgage at 5 per cent as an additional repayment, the real return is equivalent to $793 or 7.93 per cent before tax. There is virtually no risk in repaying debt as opposed to investing in almost any other asset."

1. Pay high interest debts first If you've got credit card debt it makes sense to pay that off first since interest rates are usually in the double digits. But when it comes to home loans, says McAlees, associate adviser with RSM, look further than just the interest rate.

He cites someone with a home loan (4.6 per cent) and an investment loan (5.62 per cent) of $200,000 each, with annual interest of $9200 and $11,420 respectively.

"But the interest on the investment loan is tax deductible, bringing the actual interest rate down to 3.68 per cent after tax, or just more than $7,000 per year," says McAlees. "This makes it the cheapest loan, so they'd be better off paying down their home loan first and paying interest-only on the investment loan. This strategy works best if you use tax refunds to pay off your loan instead of spending it on something else."

2. Make fortnightly paymentsThis equates to an extra month's payment in each calendar year, says McAlees. Let's take a $1 million mortgage. Assuming monthly repayments of $5000, says Belinda Williamson of research house Canstar, one year of standard monthly payments totals $60,000. Fortnightly repayments, however, would total $65,000 and would save you $171,640 in interest and shave the time spent paying the loan off by almost five years. That's based on a 30-year loan at 5 per cent.

3. Use an offset account If you have money set aside in an offset account as "emergency" funds, it remains accessible, cuts your tax bill (compared to keeping it in a savings account) plus helps you pay down your debt.

"For example, if you have $30,000 in a savings account earning 2.5 per cent interest, you will earn an extra $750 per year, of which a portion will be taxed, taking your net gain down to around $491," says McAlees. "By contrast, using those savings to offset your home loan can result in a saving of around $1,380 per year on the loan." A word of caution here: don't attach a credit card to the account.4. Refinance Check whether your home loan rate is at the toppy end of the market and know what the competition is offering. Canstar says the cheapest standard variable rate is 3.39 per cent, the most expensive is 5.73 per cent and the average is 4.47 per cent.

If you're considering fixing your loan, take into account expensive break fees if your circumstances change. If when you bought the property you borrowed more than 80 per cent, McAlees says you may be paying more expensive rates. Your loan to valuation ratio may have changed, entitling you to a lower rate.

5. Start now Most financial advisers say the more well off their clients are, the harder it is to get them to save. Some cite couples on a combined $400,000 who're still making minimum payments on a $1 million home loan and rotating $20,000 credit card debt.

McAlees says even $200 extra a month can make a big difference. On a $500,000 loan, for example, this would save you almost $4500 in interest (based on a 25-year loan at 4.6 per cent).