New migrants good for business

Tony Shepherd: 'A healthy immigration of people who can add value is vital.'
Tony Shepherd: 'A healthy immigration of people who can add value is vital.' Brook Mitchell

The businessman handpicked by former prime minister Tony Abbott to overhaul the federal government has defended Australia's level of immigration as vital for the nation's economy and future standard of living.

Tony Shepherd, former Transfield chairman and head of the former National Commission of Audit, said Australia should not fall below its current level of immigration but also cautioned net immigration - with almost 200,000 moving to Australia last year, down from 300,000 a year at the height the mining boom - was also at the maximum level society could currently absorb.

Mr Shepherd is latest business leader to argue that population growth is good for the economy but that business and government should dismiss community concerns about housing affordability and straining city infrastructure.

"The issue facing Australia is we have an ageing population. The productive workforce is declining and the demands for aged care and pensions is increasing," Mr Shepherd said.

"A healthy immigration of people who can add value is vital."

He said that while serving as chair on the National Commission of Audit, it forecast that by 2050, there would be 2.7 people working for every retiree compared to five people for every retiree at the moment.

In an echo of Labor's past leadership tensions in which Julia Gillard ditched Kevin Rudd's "Big Australia" population after taking the leadership, Mr Abbott - differentiating himself from Mr Turnbull - argued immigration should be "scaled back" to relieve pressure on housing affordability and infrastructure.

However, Mr Shepherd's call for a halt on immigration won few supporters among business people or economists due to the boost the 1.4 per cent growth in population - including new babies as well as new migrants - provides the Australian economy.

National Australia Bank chair and former Treasury secretary Ken Henry said on Thursday it was not surprising that "Australian businesses see our strong rate of population growth as a positive" but there was not as much support for a larger population in the broader community because of difficulties with traffic congestion, housing affordability and environmental sustainability.

This meant that if businesses wanted more access to skilled domestic workers, business leaders would have to take an interest in modern efficient infrastructure, city planning, regional development and planning of new urban centres instead of "tacking an extra three million people into Sydney or Melbourne every decade".

Reserve Bank governor Phillip Lowe told a parliamentary inquiry on Friday that fixing housing affordability should not involve cutting immigration and that migrants gave Australia an economic advantage,

"Our immigration program I see as a source of national strength, so if you cut back immigration to address the short-term housing price issue we would lose that source of strength," he said.

"I am fond of telling international visitors that 40 per cent of Australians either were born overseas or have one parent who was born overseas. No other Western country has a number like that, and I see it really as a source of national vigour, and dynamism, and ultimately competitiveness, because we have by international standards a really good immigration program."

Business Council of Australia chief executive Jennifer Westacott warned last year there was growing negative sentiment against "the very things that have driven our growth" such as careful management of migration and settlement and "an open door" to skilled migrants who bring new ideas and a more productive labour market.

The government's own economic adviser the Productivity Commission, estimates that population growth - along with labor productivity - have been the main drivers of real GDP growth since the 1980s.

Population growth has fallen from its 2.2 per cent annual peak in 2008 to hover around 1.4 per cent which is still strong by international standards.

Australian Bureau of Statistics data shows the number of people moving to Australia as skilled workers under the 457 Visa program fell 11 per cent between 2014/15 and 15/16 to just 85,611.

The Productivity Commission recommended to the Turnbull government at the end of last year that the government should publish each year projections of migration and population growth on housing, infrafrastucture and the environment to "address community perceptions (as expressed by participants) that debate about the impacts of immigration is lacking".

However, within the Turnbull government ranks there are concerns that the economic boost of population is the product of an unsustainable "Harvey Norman" effect - new migrants buying goods and services to set up homes and eventually there will have to be a public discussion about population, infrastructure and housing affordability.