CGT, negative gearing changes would remove heat from housing, says Philip Lowe

RBA governor Philip Lowe says changes tax incentives for property investors would take some of the heat out of housing.
RBA governor Philip Lowe says changes tax incentives for property investors would take some of the heat out of housing. Brook Mitchell

Reserve Bank of Australia governor Philip Lowe has strengthened the central bank's criticism of tax incentives for property investors, saying changes would help remove some of the "heat" from the market that has worsened housing affordability.

In wide-ranging testimony that hammered home the theme that the governor is finished with more rate cuts, Dr Lowe also warned that driving down borrowing costs would have only a small impact yet worsen household fragility.

Dr Lowe said that while some of his own staff argue in favour of more rates stimulus to drive down unemployment, the main result would probably be further increases in house prices.

He also lambasted the lack of planning and transport investment to improve affordability, saying there needs to be more work done on making the big cities more compact.

"We certainly don't solve the problem of high house prices by adding to demand. We solve it by increasing supply," he said.

"The population densities of our biggest cities, Sydney and Melbourne, are not that high by world standards. We've got to make them denser, but not everyone likes that."

On the contentious question of tax breaks for property investors, Dr Lowe admitted he wasn't sure what effect changing the system would have on the property market.​

However, he said the critical question for policy makers was not to change either negative gearing or the capital gains tax discount in isolation, but to consider how the two things interacted.

He said negative gearing allows investors to change the timing of when they pay tax, which is why what matters is the interaction with capital gains tax.

"I think it is likely it would reduce investor demand for a while, because that combination is one of the things that encourages people to buy investment properties. If you have less demand, for a while you will have lower prices, and it would take some of the current heat out of the housing market."

The governor's remarks are the latest intervention in the tax debate by the Reserve Bank, which first questioned the value of property tax breaks in a submission to a parliamentary review of affordability in 2015. Labor has pledged to remove negative gearing, while the Turnbull government is still considering whether to wind back CGT discounts.

Pointing to widespread signs of improvement around the world, particularly among businesses, Dr Lowe expressed unease at China's debt problems, saying that each year he becomes "more nervous" about how a potential economic crisis there would have a "first order effect" on Australia's economy.

Despite being eager to promote a more optimistic outlook to the House of Representatives economics committee on Friday, Dr Lowe found himself mostly debating politically sensitive issues of tax reform.

He clarified his recent intervention earlier this month in the company tax cut debate, saying he doesn't necessarily support the move but believes it's up to Parliament to decide whether Australia should join a global race to the bottom.

"You could argue that this is - from a global perspective - not actually that useful," Dr Lowe said of the global trend towards lower corporate tax rates.

"Lowering of the corporate tax rate from one country to another just changes the location of investment, it doesn't increase aggregate investment," he said.

"Do we respond to what's going on around the world? If we don't respond there are at least some firms that will decide to take their capital elsewhere. That's for Parliament [to decide]."

Dr Lowe insisted he wasn't trying to "advocate" a particular position on tax, but was merely laying out the technical reality of the changing world.

"There is a form of international tax competition going on. In the post-crisis environment countries have seen lowering the tax rate as a potential strategic advantage."

In his opening statement to the committee, Dr Lowe reiterated the central bank's view that the economy is gradually lifting from under the weight of the receding resources investment boom.

He said the outlook for Australian growth was being boosted by a recovery in global activity, the lower Australian dollar - even if he said it would be better if it were lower - and rising commodity prices.

Dr Lowe said there was an expectation that the US Federal Reserve would again hike interest rates, putting upward pressure on the US currency. He said this was something the Reserve Bank had been waiting for a long time.

On the downside, Dr Lowe cautioned that it was unlikely that iron ore prices would remain high - even though they are currently boosting confidence and delivering a fresh boost of income for governments and ultimately workers.

He also warned that households were unlikely to boost spending given consumption growth has been rising faster than incomes in recent years.

"We think that process has run its course," Dr Lowe said. "Households aren't really willing to run down the savings rate."

Dr Lowe reiterated that the central bank doesn't want to cut the official cash rate to engineer a short-term fall in the unemployment rate, which he described as being too high.

Doing so would only encourage households to take on more debt, which would ultimately build up more risks in the housing market and make consumers more vulnerable to a future downturn, he said.