National Library of Australia building two libraries to capture past, present and future

National Library of Australia Director-General Anne-Marie Schwirthlich and chairman Ryan Stokes.
National Library of Australia Director-General Anne-Marie Schwirthlich and chairman Ryan Stokes. Andrew Meares

Building two libraries, one physical and one digital, has become a crucial part the National Library of Australia collecting, preserving and sharing the country's history.

It's a job that has taken a delicate balancing act for Anne-Marie Schwirtlich, who will retire from the NLA this week after six years as director general.

She has had to make sure the library has the right amount of funds to pursue what it needs to do and define what it is aiming to achieve, as well as sometimes making hard decisions over staffing and the pursuit of different initiatives.

Digitising doesn't come cheap and making sure the library has the financial power to acquire items that may suddenly become available for a short time requires careful balancing for a government institutional that has been subject to efficiency dividends.

National Library of Australia incoming Director-General Marie-Louise Ayres (left) and Anne-Marie Schwirtlich.
National Library of Australia incoming Director-General Marie-Louise Ayres (left) and Anne-Marie Schwirtlich. Jay Cronan

"In any given week, there is the chance that we will be acquiring something from the 18th century, so the work of building Australia's memory is work that can't stop, because with a lot of the material we collect, if we don't seek to acquire it when it is on offer, the chances of it coming back on offer are very rare," Schwirtlich, tells AFR Weekend.

The NLA has a charter to collect, preserve and make accessible history relevant to Australia and its people. Collecting that is not simply collecting history books, but maps, manuscripts, works of art, oral histories among others.

Balancing act

Seven Group Holdings chief executive and NLA chairman Ryan Stokes says building both the digital and physical libraries is crucial in how history is preserved and shared in an ever-expanding, living collection.

"The physical aspect of it is always going to be there. That's just core to preservation and making something accessible physically. But, digital access to that is important, and building that digital accessibility is a key part of how we actually make the collection more powerful in its ability to help people understand and look into the history that's relevant."

The challenge for the NLA and for Schwirtlich has been building those two libraries, including the NLA's searchable database Trove, in an ever-expanding, living collection.

The NLA has digitised around 5 per cent of its collection, or more than 10 million items, and began with newspapers thanks to collaboration between the Australian National State and Territory Library. It now has more than 5 petabytes of data.

Corporate activity

While the library receives some government funding, securing commitments from corporate Australia and wealthy individuals is key to helping the library transform and continue its work.

"That secure and stable corporate support of institutions of cultural activity is a very difficult dollar to extract and I think it's something that we've been evolving over time," Stokes says.

Power in accumulation

After half a dozen years walking through the corridors of the NLA in the top job, Schwirtlich still cannot pick a favourite piece from the vast collection held in the nation's capital.

"But really, [the NLA's] power is in its accumulation. It is such a fantastic intergenerational gift from one generation to the next."

Stokes picks out a handwritten journal, bought by the Australian government in 1923, of Captain James Cook covering the entire voyage of the Endeavour as his favourite piece in the NLA's collection.

"Just what that says about the time, the impact on what was to become is just a powerful piece," he says.

"The amazing glory of having the chance to kind of read his handwritten note as he would have transcribed it sailing in the Endeavour...That's a very moving piece, I think, when you see that."