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Pridružio/la se veljača 2007.

@Twitter je blokiran/a

Jeste li sigurni da želite vidjeti te tweetove? Time nećete deblokirati korisnika @Twitter.

  1. prije 16 sati

    . and partner to live stream President Trump's address to of Congress on Feb. 28

  2. 22. velj
  3. 21. velj

    You can use the full range of emoji to spice up your name and bio on your Twitter profile! 📝 🙌

  4. 20. velj

    "Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth." — George Washington

  5. 18. velj

    Weekend means All-Star emojis. Check out your favorite player's secret emojis inside.

  6. Odgovor korisniku/ci
    17. velj

    Going through all these Tweets like…

  7. 17. velj

    ! What are your favorite Weekend memories?

  8. 16. velj
  9. 14. velj

    Watch what's trending - LIVE! You'll now see Periscopes surfaced in top trends.

    Discover Periscopes in Trends
  10. 14. velj

    You never know where or when, but on Twitter. Who has your heart today and why?

  11. 14. velj

    Who knows what your soulmate could be Tweeting.

  12. 13. velj

    Golden statues, golden masks, and golden reactions. The 2017 are happening now!

  13. 9. velj
  14. 10. velj

    Billboard's two-hour Grammys live pre-show will be simulcast LIVE on Twitter this Sunday

  15. 10. velj

    on Twitter every day. See what made us feel the this past year.

  16. 9. velj

    Sunday was just the latest in a year of “did that really just happen?” championships.

  17. 8. velj


  18. 7. velj

    We're working hard to make Twitter safer. Here's an update on some changes we're introducing today:

  19. 7. velj
  20. 6. velj

Čini se da učitavanje traje već neko vrijeme.

Twitter je možda preopterećen ili ima kratkotrajnih poteškoća u radu. Pokušajte ponovno ili potražite dodatne informacije u odjeljku Status Twittera.

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