
Wanderers fans

FFA's action against Red and Black Bloc is pathetic

It's the height of naivety to think the Wanderers and the FFA have now solved the problem. What the FFA should've done is apply the blowtorch to this "supporters group" that's got much more in common with a disorganised crime gang on a rampage, in terms of violence, intimidation and disrespect for societal norms.

Nick Kyrgios' T-shirt took aim at Donald Trump.

Nick, a profanity-laden T-shirt explains zilch about what you think

Pardon me for just one second, so I can get this all straight in my head. Nick Kyrgios is a rusted-on Democrat. Even with the benefit of 20/20 binoculars that, my friends, was harder to pick than a broken nose. Or, maybe The Donald appointing his son-in-law as a senior White House advisor was simply the straw that broke the camel's proverbial for Nick. Who could know.

The bottom line: Punters have a legitimate right to expect that bookmaking licences are granted with great scrutiny.

Why gambling with online bookmakers can be a mug's game

"GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY". If there's one ubiquitous message, cutting through all professional sports, and the wall-to-wall media coverage of them - Melbourne's Spring Racing Carnival is the exemplar - it's that betting on sport is integral to the spectacle. Provided your wagering is practised with sufficient restraint and responsibility, of course. 

Is Canberra's Nick Kyrgios only hurting himself by withdrawing from the Olympics?

Nick Kyrgios has bottled it

In the words of Alfred Hitchcock, there is no terror in a bang - only in the anticipation of it. That would have been the AOC's dilemma regarding Nick Kyrgios.