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Find a Babysitter Pty Ltd
A.B.N. 17 113 070 901
Amber Robinson, Head of Parenting
C/- Fairfax Media
Level 4, 1 Darling Island Road
Pyrmont NSW 2009

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Alicia Melville, Business Development Manager - Find A Babysitter and Essential Baby
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For marketing or public relation enquiries, please contact:
Ashleigh Devine, Audience Engagement Executive, Life brands, Fairfax Media

Find Qualified Carers Near You

Looking for babysitting jobs?

What makes a great nanny?

Here are a few key ways to tell if a nanny is the right fit for your family.



I have found Find A Babysitter to be a wonderful service and we have had a great year with our first nanny. I have happily recomended the service to family and friends.

Catherine (Mullaloo, WA) Read More