World News


  1. New planets discovered

    Seven Earth-sized planets, some of which could harbour life, have been discovered orbiting a dwarf star in our own galactic neighbourhood.

  2. 'I get screamed at'

    Young people describe what it's like being a Trump supporter at university in the United States.

  3. Oscars could get political

    If the rest of the major award ceremonies are a guide, this year's Oscars could be one of the most political we've ever seen.

  4. Christchurch street art

    As Christchurch remembers the devastating earthquake six years ago, we look at some of the inspiring art popping up in the city.

  5. Robb calls for Asia focus

    Former trade minister Andrew Robb warns Australia mustn't be distracted by Donald Trump ahead of a foreign policy whitepaper.

  6. Science of earthquakes

    How do earthquakes begin, and why are some much more devastating than others?

  7. Republican's climate push

    Republican Bob Inglis thought climate change was "nonsense" for the "other tribe". Now, he's fighting for the environment.

  8. Israel-Palestine relations

    West Bank residents label settlements as either the reclamation of Jewish land or an impediment to peace.

  9. South Sudan famine

    South Sudan faces what could potentially be the worst famine in years.

  10. Trump's three wrongs

    Donald J Trump has taken to his presidency with the same brashness that propelled him towards victory last November.

  11. Who is General McMaster?

    Donald Trump has selected General HR McMaster as his new national security adviser. But who is he?

  12. Asylum seeker in limbo

    A lawyer for a man who fled Iran seeking asylum and is now in Papua New Guinea says his client is effectively "stateless".

  13. Exploring the Antarctic

    The Australian Antarctic Division investigates a new year-round runway site on the icy continent.

  14. Cyclone Winston tribute

    Beverley O'Connor speaks to Minister for the Pacific, Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, as Fiji marks one year since Cyclone Winston.

  1. NK blames Malaysia for murder

    North Korea blames Malaysia for the death of a "DPRK citizen", and accuses it of having an "unfriendly attitude" in the Kim Jong-nam murder investigation.

    The state-run KCNA news agency said South Korea accused Pyongyang agents of assassinating the North Korean leader's half-brother.

    KCNA said Malaysia had "complicated" the matter after reports surfaced of the man being poisoned.

  1. Surrogacy laws drafted

    Around 10 Australian couples have been left in legal limbo in Cambodia, unable to bring surrogate babies home months after their birth.

  2. Donald Tsang gets 20 months

    Former Hong Kong leader sentenced to 20 months in prison for misconduct after high profile corruption case.

  3. 'A bullet would be better'

    A Vietnamese asylum seeker says she faced three months of detention and beatings after being returned by Australian immigration officials.

  4. 'Triumph of dictatorship'

    Cambodia's government changes the law covering political parties, in what some commentators are calling the "final triumph of dictatorship".