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Palestinian-American activist and Women’s March organizer Linda Sarsour is the lead plaintiff in the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ sweeping new lawsuit challenging Trump’s executive order on immigration. The order temporarily bans entry into the U.S. to all refugees and all 218 million citizens from seven Muslim-majority nations: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Read and watch the full interview with Linda Sarsour ⟶

Linda Sarsour Donald Trump immigration ban refugees muslim ban women's march Syria George W. Bush Islamophobia Democracy Now Amy Goodman independent news CAIR
What I’ve seen from Neil Gorsuch is that when liberals want something, regardless of whether there’s precedent in their favor, he’s looking for ways to dismantle those precedents, and when conservatives want something, he’s going out of their way to give them their wish list. And that’s even scarier than someone who just wants to dismantle the court’s role in society.
Ian Millhiser, justice editor for @think-progress. Judge Neil Gorsuch, President Donald Trump’s pick for the Supreme Court, has a long history of ruling against employees in cases involving federal race, sex, age, disability and political discrimination and retaliation claims. Watch the full interview on Trump’s Supreme Court nominee here.
SCOTUS Donald Trump Neil Gorsuch Hobby Lobby Supreme Court Ian Millhiser ThinkProgress conservative justices Democracy Now independent media Antonin Scalia labor rights birth control
We juxtapose images of Trump at his rallies during the campaign with, you know, images of civil rights abuses happening in the ‘60s. We juxtapose them against the Bloody Sunday footage out of Selma. That same atmosphere of ignorance and hate and criminalization and oppression is what, you know, he—it’s hard for me to say “president"—but what he espouses. And so, that footage is important to have. It’s something that I want to make sure that we’re watching again, you know, during the inauguration when he raises his hand. And I think it’s going to be a real sobering moment for the country when you see the power of images, the power of him taking the oath. My hope is that that shakes people out of some of the—certainly not your viewers, but many other people—out of this kind of reality show haze that we seem to find ourself in. It is real. It is happening. And we have to remember what he said and continue to hold him accountable.
Ava DuVernay, director of 13th, speaking to Democracy Now!. With her previous film, Selma, DuVernay became the first black woman to direct a film nominated for best picture at the Academy Awards. Watch the full interview. 
ava duvernay 13th selma donald trump inauguration oath of office filmmaker a wrinkle in time interview democracy now
What Israel was allowed to do during the negotiations process was continue to build and expand its settlements. And we saw that the number of settlers ended up doubling just in the few short years that the negotiations were taking place. Within a seven-year period, the number of settlers went up to 400,000. Even now, we see that the number has more than tripled. So what Israel wants is it wants to have this farce of a bilateral process, but it doesn’t at all want to pay the price of peace. It doesn’t want to end its settlements. It doesn’t want to end the occupation. All that it wants is for the international community to reward it for entering into dialogue and discussion with the Palestinians, all the while continuing to steal more Palestinian land.
Diana Buttu, attorney based in Palestine. She has served as a legal adviser to the Palestinians in negotiations with Israel. She was previously an adviser to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. See the full interview: 
Diana Buttu & Gideon Levy on Israeli Settlements, Kerry, Military Aid & End of Two-State Solution
palestine john kerry israel diana buttu benjamin netanyahu gideon levy ha'aretz mahmoud abbas middle east donald trump settlements democracy now democracy now! amy goodman independent news independent media two-state solution

Scientists are frantically copying government data on climate change, concerned that Trump’s administration may destroy or bury decades of research. Watch and read the interview with Laurie Allen on the “Data Refuge” Project ⟶

climate change Donald Trump datarefuge Wayback Machine University of Toronto climate research scientists Trump transition oil and gas Canada Democracy Now! independent media climate data

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The important thing about all of this, this resolution and so on, is not so much the language about settlements as much as the language about salvaging the two-state solution, the desperation that’s expressed in this text about the two-state solution dying. When you read that and you consider that the incoming administration, the Trump administration… You have an ambassador now to Israel that is incapable of delivering the message that settlements are an obstacle, because he, himself, has helped create those obstacles.
Yousef Munayyer, U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, on the U.N. Security Council vote to condemn illegal Israeli settlement construction on occupied Palestinian land. Read the full interview: U.N. Declares Israeli Settlements Illegal; Netanyahu Vows to Retaliate After U.S. Abstains from Vote
palestine israel settlements trump david friedman israel-palestine two-state solution u.n. u.n. security council abstention
We are, you know, well aware of the fact that we have a month left before Obama leaves office. Chelsea herself is continuing to speak publicly. We are continuing to draw attention to the fact that in our country we have very—our carceral regimes are themselves mechanisms of death, and the longer that she is subjected to the conditions that she is living under, the less likely it is that she will survive. And the reality is that we have a very limited amount of time to take action to save her. And Obama, you know, can do the right thing here, not just for Chelsea, but to send a message into a future in which whistleblowers are going to be more important than ever. Chelsea Manning is a hero to many of us.
Chase Strangio, staff attorney at the ACLU, who is representing Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning in a lawsuit against the Pentagon. As President Obama’s term nears to a close, more than 100,000 people have signed a petition urging Obama to commute Manning’s sentence. Read the full interview: “Her Life Depends on Obama Taking Action Now”: 100,000+ People Demand Obama Free Chelsea Manning.
chelsea manning Chase Strangio Obama whistleblowers clemency ACLU Pentagon Democracy Now! independent media army

Michigan’s attorney general has filed criminal charges against four officials over the Flint water contamination crisis. Director of Flint Rising Nayyirah Shariff said that despite charges, “We still don’t have justice for Flint.” Full interview: Flint: As 2 Unelected Emergency Managers Are Charged over Water Poisoning, Will Gov. Snyder Be Next?

Flint flint water crisis Nayyirah shariff water poisoning Rick Snyder Darnell Earley Gerald Ambrose criminal charges Michigan attorney general water rights emergency managers drinking water Democracy Now independent media

The company that manages the Radio City Rockettes recently said its members will be allowed to opt out of performing at the inauguration. Autumn Withers, who was a member of the Radio City Rockettes from 2005 to 2007, said associating The Rockettes with Donald Trump, “really tarnishes what The Rockettes embody and stand for.” Full interview here.

radio city rockettes Donald Trump Trump inauguration rockettes presidential inauguration Madison Square Garden Company Democracy Now Amy Goodman Autumn Withers