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@AP blokeatuta dago

Ziur zaude Txio hauek ikusi nahi dituzula? Txioak ikusteak ez du @AP desblokeatuko.

  1. Duela 2 ordu

    Startup in Russia makes microphones for Coldplay and Radiohead using old Kalashnikov machines

  2. Duela 29 minutu

    Conservative activist James O'Keefe to release CNN tapes.

  3. Duela 29 minutu

    #: Trump lifts transgender bathroom guidance; Iraqi forces enter Mosul airport, military base.

  4. Duela 1 ordu

    U.S.-backed Iraqi forces enter Mosul airport, military base. =

  5. Duela 2 ordu

    BREAKING: Iraqi military spokesman: Special forces enter Mosul's sprawling Ghazlani military base amid clashes with IS militants.

  6. Duela 2 ordu

    Faced with Kim Jong Nam's death, North Korea turns to familiar defense: deny allegations, attack accusers.

  7. Bobcat kittens could signal comeback for the elusive predators on Georgia's Jekyll Island.

  8. Duela 4 ordu

    Mexico's mounting unease, resentment over Trump's immigration crackdown loom over meeting of U.S., Mexican leaders.

  9. Duela 4 ordu

    The Latest: Iraqi police enter Mosul airport, take runway.

  10. Duela 11 ordu

    'This guy is a monster' - Former USA Gymnastics doctor charged with sexual assault

  11. Duela 4 ordu

    BREAKING: Iraqi official: Federal police forces enter Mosul International Airport and take control of the runway.

  12. Duela 5 ordu

    RAW VIDEO: U.S.-born panda Bao Bao arrives in China.

  13. Duela 5 ordu

    The Latest: Malaysia wants Interpol help on tracing suspects in death of Kim Jong Nam.

  14. Duela 5 ordu

    VIDEO: Immigrants fear deportation under Trump, including family who found refuge at Texas church.

  15. Duela 6 ordu

    UN hosts “Geneva IV” talks: Sequel or new script for Syria? ?

  16. Duela 9 ordu

    Immigrants illegally in US change routines, including flooding a deportation hotline, amid fear of Trump's crackdown

  17. Duela 6 ordu

    Report says Indonesia’s 4 richest men wealthier than country’s poorest 100 million.

  18. Duela 6 ordu

    U.S.-born panda settles into new home in southwest China where she will eventually join breeding program.

  19. Duela 7 ordu

    Judge blocks California law that restricts popular website from posting actors’ ages. .

  20. Duela 7 ordu

    Woman wearing anti-Trump sign barred from New York City’s Lincoln Center.

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