Federal Politics

Defiant Julie Bishop hits back at Tony Abbott: 'I'm loyal to the party room'

London: A defiant Julie Bishop has hit back at suggestions she was disloyal to former prime minister Tony Abbott, saying she was elected deputy leader by the Liberals' party room and her loyalty is to her colleagues and not the leader. 

Mr Abbott on Wednesday night laughed when his conservative ally commentator Andrew Bolt put to him in an interview that cabinet minister Peter Dutton describes himself as "conservative, plain-speaking and loyal", adding, "and Julie Bishop is none of those three".

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Bishop hits back at Abbott

Julie Bishop responds to suggestions she was disloyal following a segment on Sky News's Bolt Report when Tony Abbott laughs.

Notably Mr Abbott did not defend Ms Bishop. Privately he is scathing of her character and believes she behaved disloyally during the 2015 leadership coup when it was revealed her chief of staff attended a meeting of the plotters on the night before he was replaced. 

When Fairfax Media put to her Mr Abbott's failure to defend her against Bolt's criticism and his obvious agreement with Bolt, Ms Bishop hit back. 

"I think I'm pretty plain-speaking but others can judge that," she said.

"I have been elected by the party as the deputy leader. I have been elected directly by the party room and I owe my loyalty to the party room and I continue to be elected and that's the way it is, so I'm not sure what other matters anyone could be referring to.


"If there's a characterisation about being conservative, plain-speaking and loyal, I believe I fulfil that characterisation."

Ms Bishop said she had not seen Mr Abbott's manifesto on how he believes the Coalition can stave off One Nation and win the election. 

"I haven't seen this so-called manifesto. I've been on a plane from Washington to London and as soon as I have arrived here I've been in meetings, so I haven't seen the detail of it. But ideas are always welcome. A former leader of the party would have ideas."

Mr Abbott on Thursday unleashed a scathing critique of the Turnbull government, saying the Coalition risked "drifting to defeat".

He used a lengthy media appearance on Sky News to attack the government and urge it to freeze the renewable energy target, abolish the Human Rights Commission, stop all new government spending, cut immigration and reform the Senate to make it easier for governments to pass legislation. 

He urged Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to abandon living in his Point Piper mansion in Sydney's eastern suburbs that requires extra taxpayer funded security and move to Kirribilli House instead.

And he took aim at "toxic egos" and "vanity projects" in what is being interpreted as taking shots at his former cabinet colleagues who helped dump him from the leadership.

His criticisms will spark new speculation that he is destabilising Mr Turnbull. 

But Ms Bishop told reporters in London, where she has been meeting her British counterpart Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, "Malcolm Turnbull enjoys the support of the party room."

Cabinet minister Christopher Pyne also hit back at Mr Abbott on Friday morning, saying his policy proposals would either be a disaster or had failed the first time around.

"Well, all the views of backbenchers are very welcome in the government and he is a backbencher and he's free to state his views, but we won't be going down the track of putting a freeze on immigration, for example, which Tony Abbott wants to do, because it would be catastrophic in places like the Northern Territory, Tasmania - most places outside the major cities," Mr Pyne told the Today show on Channel Nine.

"We won't be slashing spending. Tony Abbott tried that in 2014 in the budget during his leadership but of course a whole lot of zombie legislation sat in the Senate unable to be passed." 

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