Federal Politics

Michael Gordon

Michael Gordon is the political editor of The Age.

Eaten Fish is the pen name of an Iranian man called Ali.

Slow death on Manus, the sad story of Eaten Fish

It was just another hot and humid day inside the Manus Island detention centre, more than 12 months ago, until a large group of detainees began gathering near the fences that separate the two biggest compounds.

National Congress of Australia's First People's co-chairs Dr Jackie Huggins and Rod Little present the Redfern Statement ...

Failure on six of seven Closing the Gap targets

The ninth Closing the Gap report has again firmly established that government policy is not bringing about equality between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, with six of seven targets failing.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said he would not get in the way of a preference deal between the Liberals and One ...

Over the top with Malcolm

Malcolm Turnbull's verbal blitzkrieg against Bill Shorten produced two diametrically opposed, yet predictable, responses from those who witnessed it at close quarters in the national parliament this week.