277 Results

What Quantum Gravity Needs Is More Experiments

Math won’t solve quantum gravity. Experimentation will.

The Multiple Multiverses May Be One and the Same

If multiverses seem weird, it’s because we need to revamp our notions of time and space.

The Not-So-Fine Tuning of the Universe

There’s more than one way to build a universe suitable for life.

Even Physicists Find the Multiverse Faintly Disturbing

It’s not the immensity or inscrutability, but that it reduces physical law to happenstance.

Why Rotation Makes No Sense Sometimes

Spark of Science: Melissa Franklin

Harvard’s first tenured woman physicist tells us about her heroes and her work.

Listening for Extraterrestrial Blah Blah

At the cosmic dinner party, intelligence is the loudest thing in the room.