33 Decorative Thermometers
While, most of us don't really need thermometers to tell us the temperature any more (there's an app for that these days), they can be beautiful decorative items to hang outdoors. Garden barometers and thermometers come in a variety of shapes and designs suitable for hanging on outdoor walls. Most designs evoke a classical feel, with either the straight forward vertical thermometer dial or an old circular design. However, you can find some decorative thermometers in more unusual designs and combined with other features, like clocks, hanging baskets and barometers. More
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- Visit StoreBrass Tide Clock & Thermometer/Hygrometer on AshUSD 174.94 | Brass Binnacle
- Visit StoreBrass Quartz Clock & Thermometer/Hygrometer on OakUSD 169.99 | Brass Binnacle
- Visit StoreBrass Tide Clock & Thermometer/Hygrometer on OakUSD 174.94 | Brass Binnacle
- Visit StoreBrass Quartz Clock & Thermometer/Hygrometer on MahoganyUSD 169.99 | Brass Binnacle
- Visit StoreMetal Fog Horn ThermometerUSD 37.96 | Brass Binnacle
- Visit StoreClock, Thermometer & Hygrometer on Rosewood Weather StationUSD 123.93 | Brass Binnacle