
Since World War II, serious assaults on our culture, heritage, constitution and institutions have gathered apace, leaving many dismayed and eager for change. Political correctness and enforced multiculturalism have watered down our rich national character and have forced honest and intelligent people to hide their true feelings for fear of reprisals.

Today liberal-left ideas are all pervasive, whilst the Conservative Party has failed to defend or preserve anything conservative or traditional. The organic and intrinsic, social, spiritual, legal and economic institutions of the British have been undermined and destroyed in the name of vague promises of equality and prosperity, whilst a transnational ideological, managerial and corporate elite dominate Europe with little accountability. The vacuum that remains has been filled by little more than blind consumerism, broken communities and socio-economic, environmental, spiritual and moral decline.

Infused with a new generation of enthusiastic and passionate activists, the Traditional Britain Group offers a focal point to promote ideas, discussion, networking, education and traditionalist action. We seek to provide to a home to the disillusioned patriot, and through traditional and modern media, we aim to bring together a broad alliance of those who desire a genuine, radical, conservative alternative

With courage, pride and determination, the Traditional Britain Group says, ‘No more! The ancient traditions, peoples and beliefs of these isles are worth preserving. There is an alternative for Britain. The fight back begins now!’


Our Premise

  1. Existing strategies have not been successful and must be abandoned. If we aim to see the restoration of traditional conservatism in this country we cannot rely on upon the existing mechanisms, its national politics and its institutions to serve that purpose.
  2. The moral belief in egalitarianism as the highest good must be utterly opposed. We must unite in a total opposition to liberalism, Marxism, egalitarianism and the view of man as homo economicus. It is the belief in egalitarianism that has castrated discussion and silenced great minds - it is egalitarianism that has prevented the computation of a much needed Traditionalist perspective during this crisis. What we need is a reason to feel righteous, a reason to feel that we are good moral people, whilst putting forward a radical and futuristic argument for Tradition. Only then will we be able to do so openly, with real conviction, and without fear. For that we need a moral critique of egalitarianism – we must discredit the pursuit of equality.
  3. We must be united by a core commitment to Tradition, not to detail. We must unite, not behind policy proposals and political detail, but rather the eternal truths of European and British Tradition: kinship, family, duty, faith, uniqueness, hierarchy, community, sovereignty, authority, nation, identity, liberty, justice, truth, beauty, and excellence.
  4. We must be honest and courageous. We must be fundamentally life-affirming, we must learn to love the struggle, we must take risks, and we must live Tradition. We must be consistently and courageously traditionalist and conservative in our behaviour and communications. We must embrace abstract and moral ideas – the morality of an ideal trumps empirical reality. We must reject all euphemism and hypocrisy. Most importantly we must build new moral, economic and cultural support networks that will arm people with the ideas, and courage, to speak and fight freely.
  5. We must abandon the defence of lost institutions, of style over substance. The majority of current institutions are no longer conservative in any meaningful sense. Attempts to influence existing institutions - including political parties – have utterly failed, and where conservatives remain they are ineffectual. We must redefine the rules, overturn the tables, and be radical and Traditional. We must create something worth fighting for – something good!
  6. Conservatives cannot counter our enemies effectively within these institutions. So called conservatives who operate within the existing system utterly fail to achieve any substantial change – because they constantly compromise, they are hypocrites and they attempt to ‘play the game.’ When an individual does stand up he is quickly cowed by social, economic and sometimes legal pressure.
  7. We must create a large local support networks and a professional national vanguard. We must create a new traditional conservative counter establishment– providing local support networks that will allow us to ruthlessly attack egalitarianism, and what it represents, openly and honestly. This must be a loose grassroots movement, supported by a unified professional, intellectual, highly organised national vanguard.
  8. We must promote and nurture a traditionalist culture. It is only through the life and values of a community that we can allow the individual to experience what would otherwise be an intellectual abstraction. We need to use what opportunities remain to us to organize and to work together with common aims to preserve and restore traditional conservative values, through institutions such as the Traditional Britain Group and through building others that will nurture and promote the culture of the Right both locally and nationally for generations to come.
  9. This support network must be a flexible ‘wide church’ whilst detail or policy differences should be set aside. The support network must be a wide, open, church – consisting of conservatives, traditionalists, radicals, libertarians and others that wish to support us. Consequently local activities and direction must be decided by local members. Whilst its members are welcome to join any group they wish this support network must be non-partisan and non-sectarian. Members are not obliged to cease other activities and are encouraged to continue with their own political activities and groups. We must permit individuals to hold divergent opinions on detail, rise above ego, and lend our backing to a diverse array of individuals within our support network.


The Traditional Britain Group's Political Standpoints

  1. We believe in Britain and the British people, their heritage and customs.
  2. We believe in a sovereign self-governing Britain and withdrawal from the EU.
  3. We reject all forms of foreign interference in our government.
  4. We ask for an understanding and consciousness by all our people of their nation’s greatness, achievements, and glory.
  5. We believe that the heterosexual family is the primary social unit.
  6. We believe in authority.
  7. We believe in the spiritual values of life and of the respect that is owing to man.
  8. We believe in the obligation of labour and the rolling back of the welfare state.
  9. We believe in virtue and the sacred nature of Christianity and our Established Church.
  10. We believe that our country is best served by our indigenous customs & traditions, its time-honoured hereditary principle and our monarchy.
  11. We are in favour of localism and local communities.
  12. We support the small businessman and entrepeneur.
  13. We support British industry & manufacturing.
  14. We are opposed to internationalism and globalisation
  15. We are opposed to communism, to socialism, to liberalism and to anarchism.
  16. We are opposed to mass immigration and multiculturalism
  17. We are opposed to the Class War.
  18. We are opposed to Political Correctness and support the repeal of all cultural-Marxist legislation.
  19. We are against the purely materialist conception of life.
  20. We support the Great British Countryside and its conservation for future generations.
  21. We are against all the great heresies of our age, because we have yet to be convinced that there is any part of the world where the liberty to propagate such heresies has been the cause of anything good.


Traditional Britain Group National Organisation

The Traditional Britain Group is run by a small committee of officials and a Chairman, supported by a President and numerous Vice Presidents. Every year we hold an Annual General Meeting where committee members are nominated and elected according to our Constitution.


President: The Lord Sudeley, F.S.A

Lord Sudeley












A hereditary peer, Lord Sudeley succeeded to his peerage aged just 3, his father having died from wounds inflicted at Dunkirk. Educated at Eton and Oxford, from the age of 21 he was one of the regular active members of the House of Lords for 39 years, until the expulsion of the bulk of the hereditary peerage by the Labour government in 1999. He introduced several successful Bills, most notably that to prevent the unlicensed export of historical manuscripts, and in 1981 a Bill to uphold the Book of Common Prayer. His knowledge of the constitution and legislation is regarded as formidable, and has written extensively on a number of issues.


Vice President: Professor John Kersey

John Kersey












John first spoke to the Traditional Britain Group at our 2013 national conference, and soon after we approached him to become a Vice President - he enthusiastically accepted. Professor John Kersey is an interdisciplinary historian whose work spans the three principal areas of music, education and traditionalist Catholicism, in particular those movements that developed as a result of the First Vatican Council of 1870. The author of several books, he has also recorded over 100 CDs as a concert pianist, including the first recordings of several unfinished works by Beethoven. He is currently President of European-American University, which operates in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia and specializes in bespoke educational solutions for high achievers. His professional work is combined with voluntary service within the Church, in which he is ordained and has responsibility for a Traditional Catholic community. John is the Director of Cultural Affairs for the Libertarian Alliance, for whom he also blogs.


Vice President and Treasurer: Gregory Lauder-Frost, F.S.A. Scot

Gregory Lauder-Frost












Gregory - who read Modern History at Oxford, holds a PhD on 'The Last 50 Years of Imperial Russia', is an established expert on genealogy, and is a certified public accountant - is well known in traditional Tory circles. He is the former Chairman of the Conservative Monday Club’s influential Foreign Affairs Committee and was also the Club’s Political Secretary. He was Publications Editor and Secretary-General of the international Monarchist League; Vice-President of the old Western Goals Institute and founder of the Traditional Britain Group in 2001, and has travelled the world meeting politicians and others with the same interests and concerns as the organisations he represented. He has written extensively on political issues. He has always been a subject of media venom and was recently attacked by them for opposing Doreen Lawrence’s appointment as a Life Peer, and for supporting the Conservative Party’s former manifesto pledge (still a Monday Club policy) that we should be encouraging government-assisted voluntary repatriation of immigrants. He is presently completing a book entitled “The Monday Club – the Crucial 30 Years 1961-1991/2”.