Template talk:Ancient Rome topics

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WikiProject Classical Greece and Rome (Rated Template-class)
WikiProject icon This article is part of the WikiProject for Classical Greece and Rome, a group of contributors who write Wikipedia's Classics articles. If you would like to join the WikiProject or learn how to contribute, please see our project page. If you need assistance from a classicist, please see our talk page.
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Oh my... that statue is from 1696. It is not Roman... How unseemly! -- Pichote (talk) 21:25, 22 January 2008 (UTC)

Whatever, the subject is Julius Ceasar the most famous Roman of all times. More than worthy. Flamarande (talk) 22:07, 22 January 2008 (UTC)
...as cultural depiction of Julius Caesar, you mean. Pichote (talk) 20:48, 14 February 2008 (UTC)

I added a section to this template on the Latin language. I think it would be a good idea to do away with the ages of Latin template and apply this one to all the Latin pages since it's a good way to consolidate information - have a single template for all the roman articles? Thoughts? - Christopher (talk) 23:55, 26 February 2008 (UTC)

Should Tetrarchy be added under extraordinary magistrates? (talk) 15:57, 21 September 2008 (UTC)

Julius Caesar statue image replacement[edit]

I changed the picture of the statue of Julius Caesar by Nicolas Coustou to a picture of the Augustus of Prima Porta statue. The Julius Caesar statue was anachronistic with Ancient Rome and misleading. I tried to substitute another statue of a Caesar for the sake of consistency. Having the image with a white background looked very good and I looked for another such image, but did not find one in the Commons. AmateurEditor (talk) 22:39, 5 August 2009 (UTC)

I've changed the image to one with a white background for aesthetic reasons. AmateurEditor (talk) 18:33, 8 August 2009 (UTC)
Icons should not be added only because they look good, because aesthetics are in the eye of the beholder: one reader's harmless decoration may be another reader's distraction Gnevin (talk) 20:59, 9 June 2010 (UTC)