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Syria talks hit nag before opening ceremony in GenevaNegotiations off to rocky start after opposition threatens to skip opening ceremony over disagreements on format.

    by Dylan Collins - Zena Tahhan

             Middle East

Turkey-backed rebels in 'near full control' of Al Bab       Inside Story

Can the latest round of talks end the Syrian conflict?         Middle East

Syria rebels seek 'direct negotiations' with government       Syria's Civil War

What do Syrians make of the latest Geneva peace talks?   by Mariya Petkova

            Refugees23 Feb 2017 07:53 GMT

The woman who washes the deadThe story of two women - a Palestinian Bedouin and a Syrian refugee - as one prepares the other for burial. 

       Middle East23 Feb 2017 04:56 GMT

Syria talks to resume with low expectationsUN's Staffan de Mistura plays down expectations for progress as government and opposition officials gather in Geneva.

       ISIS22 Feb 2017 12:10 GMT

Time to tackle ISIL's millions of sympathisers?It is necessary to improve the underlying conditions that transformed ordinary citizens into desperate ISIL supporters.

 by Rami G Khouri

       Syria's Civil War22 Feb 2017 11:32 GMT

After six years of war, low hopes for Syria peace talksAs officials and rebels gather in Geneva for more meetings, prospect of war ending fades with ceasefire falling apart.

       Drones22 Feb 2017 08:00 GMT

Struggle over Aleppo's story takes to the skiesHow citizen journalists used drone technology to challenge the Assad regime's narrative of Aleppo's plight.

 by AlHakam Shaar - Austin Choi-Fitzpatrick

       Middle East22 Feb 2017 05:58 GMT

US-backed alliance enters Syria's Deir Az Zor provinceEleven people killed and more than 35 wounded in air strikes in town in northern Deir Az Zor province, observatory says.

       Middle East21 Feb 2017 14:20 GMT

 Iran and Turkey trade barbs over Syria and IraqIran summons Turkish ambassador and hits back at Ankara, after officials blame Tehran of destabilising the Middle East.

       Syria's Civil War19 Feb 2017 06:14 GMT

Syria's 'White Helmets' makers get US visas for OscarsLeader of rescue group and filmmaker plan to attend Academy Awards next week after suspension of Trump's travel ban.

       Middle East18 Feb 2017 21:05 GMT

Kurdish commander pledges to retain Syria's ManbijTurkish president's plan to clear Kurdish forces from Syrian city and set up a safe zone meets with Kurdish defiance.

       Middle East18 Feb 2017 20:53 GMT

Security Council resolutions to be 'Syria talks basis'Elections, new constitution and governance to be on the agenda of forthcoming meeting in Geneva of Syrian factions.

       Politics17 Feb 2017 08:15 GMT

Fighting intensifies in Syria's DeraaHeavy Russian attacks reported after rebels try to obstruct Syrian government bid to retake strategic border crossing.

       Politics16 Feb 2017 21:21 GMT

Saudi Arabia says four ISIL cells broken upAt least 18 arrested for providing shelter and funds to ISIL fighters and for recruitment in different parts of kingdom.

       Middle East16 Feb 2017 09:54 GMT

Al Bab: Russia-Turkey understanding on Euphrates ShieldAnkara's plans to push further east and south of Al Bab might face serious diplomatic challenges, say analysts.

       Middle East15 Feb 2017 05:48 GMT

Start of Syria talks in Kazakh capital delayed one dayA new round of talks on the Syrian conflict led by Russia, Turkey and Iran were set to begin on February 15.

       Middle East14 Feb 2017 17:50 GMT

UN: 'Looming catastrophe' in Syria's besieged townsUN official urges Syria war players to allow life-saving aid deliveries to 60,000 civilians trapped in four towns.

     Show More   Opinion     Time to tackle ISIL's millions of sympathisers? by Rami G Khouri

       Struggle over Aleppo's story takes to the skies by AlHakam Shaar - Austin Choi-Fitzpatrick

       Britain rejecting child refugees is no surprise by Alastair Sloan

       The FSA's demands ahead of Geneva by Asaad Hanna

         IN-DEPTH   Syria's Civil WarWhat do Syrians make of the latest Geneva peace talks?    RefugeesThe woman who washes the dead    Syria's Civil WarAfter six years of war, low hopes for Syria peace talks    Middle EastAl Bab: Russia-Turkey understanding on Euphrates Shield                    News  Programmes  Opinion   About  Investigations  Contact Us  Video    Facebook  Twitter  Google+  RSS  Podcast  YouTube  SnapChat             About   About Us  Press Office  Awards  Code of Ethics  Terms and Conditions  Community Guidelines  Work for us     Connect   Contact Us  Apps  Social  Channel Finder  TV Schedule  Podcasts  Newsletter     Our Channels   Al Jazeera Arabic  Al Jazeera English  Al Jazeera Mubasher  Al Jazeera Documentary  Al Jazeera Balkans  Al Jazeera Turk  AJ+     Our Network   Al Jazeera Centre for Studies Al Jazeera Media Institute  Al Jazeera Centre for Public Liberties & Human Rights  Al Jazeera Forum  Al Jazeera Film Festival  Al Jazeera Learning  Al Jazeera Hotel Partners      © 2017 Al Jazeera Media Network

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