Lee Smith is a senior editor at the Weekly Standard and a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute. He is also the author of the recently published The Consequences of Syria.

The Arab-ization of American Politics

Why do so many Americans mistake what typically signals a failure of democracy for democracy itself?


What Obama Owes Putin—and Why Donald Trump Is Left Holding the Bag

Broader aims on Middle East realignment led the outgoing president’s efforts at two-track diplomacy. One track was misdirection. The other handed the region to Russia and Iran.


Obama Said to Break With Decades of U.S. Policy to Declare Western Wall ‘Occupied Territory’ at the UN

The lame-duck president is dismantling the alliance system that has kept America and much of the rest of the world secure


Trump’s Iran Deal Trap: ‘Renegotiation’ vs. ‘Enforcement’

Why the new Commander-in-Chief has few good options for rebuilding the Middle East order that Obama negotiated away


Trump’s Warning to Boeing Doesn’t Stop With Air Force One

Boeing stands to rake in cash from the Iran Deal. But the Trump Administration poses serious concerns for investors.


Will Trump and Netanyahu Make the America-Israel Relationship Great Again?

PEOTUS is stacking his cabinet with friends of the Jewish State, but the geopolitical realities of Iran, Russia, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and ISIS may complicate his Middle East policy, whatever it turns out to be


The Damascus Junket Pays Dividends for Assad

After interacting with Assad’s murderous regime, a group of Western journalists and editors decided to tell the dictator’s ‘side of the story.’ Sorry is the state of American journalism and policymaking.


A New Blacklist From the Southern Poverty Law Center Marks the Demise of a Once-Vital Organization

15 prominent writers and thinkers are labeled “anti-Muslim extremists”—Why?


Saint Nick’s Math Problem

New York Times foreign affairs columnist Nicholas D. Kristof doesn’t understand how foreign aid works


Obama’s Syria Policy Isn’t a ‘Mistake.’ It’s Deliberate.

How the Iran deal explains the administration’s inaction in Syria


West of Eden: Trump, Race, and Jewish Republicans

What Californians Roger Simon and David Horowitz see in the GOP nominee—and how it reflects deeper veins of Jewish assimilation in America


Michael Tolkin’s American Midrash

The Hollywood screenwriter and underappreciated novelist is ready for the end of the world


Loathe Thy Brother

Are Donald Trump and Barack Obama two examples of the same American affliction?


Argentine Prosecutor Asserts Alberto Nisman Was Murdered. Now, to Find His Killers.

All evidence points to foul play, and reason suggests responsibility falls upon both Iran and Argentina


The Ambassador From Hell?

America’s Moral Collapse in Syria: Samantha Power wrote the book on how the U.S. government ignores and legitimates genocides. Or was it a handbook?


The ‘Washington Post’ Pulls Out of Iran, While the ‘New York Times’ Cashes In

Just as reporter Jason Rezaian was freed from two years in captivity, the paper of record was selling luxury tours to Tehran. Why?


Obama’s Make-Believe Peace With Iran Ushers in a Wild 2016 in the Middle East

Why the president’s foreign policy of leaving U.S. allies out in the cold will make it very hard for the next president to maintain American influence


Why the White House Wanted Congress To Think It Was Being Spied on by the NSA

The ‘Wall Street Journal’ recently published a scoop about the NSA snooping on Israel, but it makes no sense


Israel and Turkey Restore Diplomatic Relations

Ankara and Jerusalem have cut a deal, as Israel will pay $20 million to the families of the Turkish citizens killed in Gaza flotilla in 2010; more


The Israeli Castration Complex

From the 1972 Munich massacre to Anne-Marie Slaughter’s ‘crazy idea’


Special Treatment for Mideast Christians Is Un-American, and Dumb

Why Jeb Bush, and also Barack Obama, are wrong about refugees


Ahmed Chalabi, a Highly Skilled Manipulator Who Dreamed of the Jews Moving Back to Baghdad, Dies at 71

The showman’s method of seduction was to awaken in his interlocutors a sense that they had been raised to a level of rare brilliance that even they didn’t know they had in them


A Conversation with George Deek, Israel’s Best Diplomat

A discussion about the latest wave of violence in Israel, the ongoing conflict in Syria, and more


Why Donald Trump Is the King of American Loser-dom

Win here, win there, win win everywhere: Why America is all about #epicwinning, but is still a #loser


John Kerry Blames Israel For Palestinian Terror

By adopting a corrupt Palestinian narrative, the Obama Administration is legitimizing the Palestinian Authority and Hamas’ rationale for murdering Jews


War of the Words

The White House Press Secretary trades barbs with Bloomberg columnists about the Iran Deal on Twitter


The Degradation of American Political Discourse

Ann Coulter’s GOP debate comment about “f—ing Jews” should to be called out for what it is—hateful. But her rhetoric is just the tip of a swelling anti-Semitic iceberg.


Meet the Iran Lobby

In the fight over sanctions and the nuclear deal, how did the supposedly all-powerful pro-Israel lobby lose to the slick operatives of the National Iranian American Council?


The White House’s Iran Sell and the Jews: A Debate

Part 2: Smith: Obama’s defenders hear no evil because they’ve seen no evil

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