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  1. I think I'm gonna go pour another glass of eggnog, and play some more thumbs aren't quite numb enough yet!!
  2. Thats b'c HRC is AWESOME!!! RT @WomenCount Hillary Clinton nudges Sarah Palin for most admired - -
  3. @ExcessiveWriter bye! In case I don't tweet you tomorrow-happy new year, sweets!!
  4. @Maudelynn I don't run unless someone is chasing me. ;-)
  5. is off to Half Price Books with my mom.
  6. ok, off to finish the post holiday clean up!
  7. @ExcessiveWriter husband & I got a gift card for our movie theater 'round the corner, and was debating on seeing it. Glad 2 know u liked it.
  8. @Shireen86 just be super nice to drives them EXTRA crazy!!
  9. did anyone go see Sherlock Holmes over the weekend?? how was it?
  10. @broelliero cute, but I fear one would have to sit in an unlady-like position on the chair to get around those crossed legs! :-/
  11. @ExcessiveWriter ahhh...I see. :-) @vixxenkiss suggested a few songs for me to check out of hers. I liked. U have a good holiday?
  12. @ExcessiveWriter been gone 4 a day or 2. why the name change?
  13. @RavenTweetTweet husband & I have had both & in my opinion, DishNetwork is better. We never have problems. CustServ. @ DirectTV was no good
  14. would like to thank Santa for her new Wii and Super Mario Bros. for Christmas. Now I"m cracked out on video games-I can't stop playing!!
  15. @lilearthquake @clintyghost Thx guys! aunt got in way late & missed dinner. NEVER FLY AirTran! G-Ma has dev. pneumonia-so say a prayer or 2.
  16. so aunt got on a standby @ 5 a.m and flew to Atlanta. They leave there @ 2:12 & should be in Indy by 3:45 EST. No word on Grandma rt now.
  17. had a shitty f*cking start 2 the holiday: husbands fave g-mother is in hospital ICU and my aunt missed her flight lastnight out of DC. :'-(
  18. Merry Christmas to all my twitter friends. Will not have time 2 tweet 2mrw-will be cooking all day, plus fam will be over. So glad 2 know u
  19. @trentvanegas becuase Disney World @ Christmas is AWESOME. Best Christmases I've had were there. So much fun.
  20. @wojsvenwoj @violetxoxox Merry Christmas 2 the both of u. Thanks 4 all the hard work you put in for Undented. I really really appreciate it.