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NSW Police use hacking software to spy on computers and smartphones: WikiLeaks data

NSW Police are using sophisticated hacking software to spy on smartphones and computers during criminal investigations, according to documents published by WikiLeaks on Monday.

FinFisher, also known as FinSpy, is surveillance software sold by German company Gamma International. The software is typically used by intelligence and policing agencies to break into computers and mobiles and can secretly log keystrokes and take screenshots.

It can also remotely capture Skype and instant messenger conversations and take control of computer microphones and web cameras to listen in.

The documents show NSW Police purchased approximately $2.5 million worth of licences for the software, starting in September 2011. They reveal the agency has held nine licences for FinSpy, FinFly, FinIntrusion, FinSpy Mobile and FinFireWire over the past three years.

NSW Police is named as the only Australian agency among many around the world to have spent a collective $72 million on the software.

NSW Police did not deny the spyware's use.


"Given this technology relates to operational capabilility [sic], it's not appropriate to comment," a police spokesman said.

Under NSW law, police can apply for "covert" search warrants, which allow them to search a computer without its owner's knowledge; this includes online accounts and the like. The warrants are obtained from a Supreme Court judge who is "eligible" to grant them.

In early March 2009, then NSW premier Nathan Rees unveiled a suite of new laws, one of which he said would allow police to gain "remote access" to computers for seven days at a time or up to a total of 28 days or longer in exceptional circumstances. The laws were passed later that month.

"This could including cracking codes and searching computers for evidence of child porn, drug running and money laundering," Rees said then.

"FinFisher continues to operate brazenly from Germany selling weaponised surveillance malware to some of the most abusive regimes in the world," said Julian Assange, the Australian WikiLeaks editor in chief, who is holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy in Britain.

"The Merkel government pretends to be concerned about privacy, but its actions speak otherwise. Why does the Merkel government continue to protect FinFisher? This full data release will help the technical community build tools to protect people from FinFisher including by tracking down its command and control centres."

The leaked documents published by WikiLeaks have come to light following the hacking of Gamma International in August, which exposed an estimated 40 gigabytes of internal data from the firm detailing the operations and effectiveness of the FinFisher suite of surveillance platforms.

Sydney software architect and IT security consultant Troy Hunt said it was no surprise that government agencies, including NSW Police, were making use of the spyware.

But he said its use raised a number of questions, such as whether police were obliged to remove the spyware after its use and whether due legal process was followed in installing it.

He said the software gave its users the ability to virtually look over the shoulders of any target. More often than not he said the software was able to be installed remotely by its users.

NSW Council for Civil Liberties spokesman Stephen Blanks said he was uncomfortable with the software's use.

"The use of software like this to enable law-enforcement agencies to remotely access computer networks raises particular concerns and it is vital that there is sufficient information made available about the use of [the associated] warrants so that the public can be satisfied that they are not being abused."

In one leaked document, WikiLeaks identifies a NSW Police user of the spyware emailing Gamma saying that warrants authorised the use of FinFisher. In the same ticket, the user asks Gamma if some new capabilities can be introduced to make its use conform to Australian standards.

In another email, a NSW Police user complains about access to an Apple Mac user's computer.

"When a mac target is online, there is a configuration link which allows updating the configuration of the target and trojan," the NSW Police user says in the ticket. "However when the target is offline, there isnt [sic] any configuration link. This only appears on a mac target ... Should there be a configuration link on a mac target when it is offline?"

In another email, a NSW Police user complains about an update which broke the software.

"From our logs, there appears to have been an update early this morning which has broken the Agents [sic] access to the server. If at all possible, we require urgent assistance as we are waiting to conduct an install tonight," the user says.

Last year a freedom of information request by an Australian citizen to the Australian Federal Police seeking information about whether it used FinFisher was rejected by the agency.

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