Stories by Brad Reed

Brad Reed is a writer living in Boston. His work has previously appeared in the American Prospect Online, and he blogs frequently at Sadly, No!. subscribe to Brad Reed's feed

Posted on: Feb 24, 2017, Source: Raw Story

In addition to the attendees waving Russian flags, journalist Sarah Posner reports at least one attendee was spotted wearing a “Make Russia Great Again” t-shirt.

Posted on: Feb 23, 2017, Source: Raw Story

"This place has been turned upside down. It’s chaos. I’ve never witnessed anything like it."

Posted on: Feb 22, 2017, Source: Raw Story

A source close to the administration says she was pulled for veering "off message."

Posted on: Feb 22, 2017, Source: Raw Story

"This is not Trump's America!"

Posted on: Feb 21, 2017, Source: Raw Story

Sen. Chuck Grassley hears it during a town hall in Iowa Falls.

Posted on: Feb 9, 2017, Source: Raw Story

"I can only hope that if Coretta Scott King was still with us," she'd support Trump's attorney general.

Posted on: Feb 6, 2017, Source: Raw Story

The Bowling Green Massacre is only the latest in a series of blatant lies.

Posted on: Jan 25, 2017, Source: Raw Story

And don't forget those tweets from Trump sometimes come from his unsecured phone.

Posted on: Jan 18, 2017, Source: Raw Story

There are also 5-1 odds of the golden shower video leaking.

Posted on: Jan 16, 2017, Source: Raw Story

Neo-Nazi icon Mike Enoch has resigned from his position at a hate website.

Posted on: Jan 10, 2017, Source: Raw Story

She's been blasting Trump on Twitter for months.

Posted on: Jan 5, 2017, Source: Raw Story

Will Trump's administration undo net neutrality?

Posted on: Jan 3, 2017, Source: Raw Story

She may be moving to NBC, but Kelly's still Fox News to the core.

Posted on: Jan 1, 2017, Source: Raw Story

Jones noted that the Democratic Party’s base has gotten significantly more progressive since Bill Clinton was president in the 1990s.

Posted on: Dec 30, 2016, Source: Raw Story

"Words matter, Mr. Paladino."

Posted on: Dec 29, 2016, Source: Raw Story

Harmon was a dedicated defender of gun ownership rights and would regularly rail against attempts to regulate firearms or even make the use of firearms safer.

Posted on: Dec 22, 2016, Source: Raw Story

So much for a season of love and compassion.

Posted on: Dec 21, 2016, Source: Raw Story

"A value meal is supposed to be a cheaper price. That’s the whole point of a ‘value’ meal."

Posted on: Dec 21, 2016, Source: Raw Story

There are two reasons damning footage wasn't released sooner—both equally infuriating.

Posted on: Dec 20, 2016, Source: Raw Story

“They are our barrier to the Oriental invasion of our homeland and the great protector of Christendom.”
