News & Politics

Off-Duty LAPD Cop Opens Fire on Teens Crossing His Property Who Are Arrested Soon After

A 13-year-old and 15-year-old were arrested while the officer has been placed on administrative leave.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Two dozen people were arrested in Anaheim, CA  after protests broke out following the arrest of two teens confronted by an off-duty cop outside his home. The physical struggle between the teens and the officer was captured on cellphone video the day prior and shows the cop grabbing their clothing and firing his gun at them. 13-year-old Christian Dorscht was nearly killed before being detained and interrogated. 

The officer has been placed on administrative leave. Christian’s father, Johnny Dorscht has not yet decided what legal action he'll take. 

"Something’s going to happen because this is not right," Johnny Dorscht told Fusion. The cop "should’ve never put hands on him. That should’ve never happened, what he did.”

Christian was initially charged with “battery and terrorist threats", which have since been dropped. 

“He was in an interrogation room, they were trying to get him to confess to something that he didn’t do. He just got out today… You can see scratches on his neck, bruises on his arms, how tight they had the handcuffs on him," his father explained. “He’s still kind of in shock at everything that’s happening. He’s not really wanting to talk about the incident, he says he’s okay, but we did take him to the hospital.”

Sgt. Daron Wyatt with the Anaheim Police Department insisted the 13-year-old threatened to shoot the off-duty officer. But neither witnesses nor the video back this statement. 

"Stop grabbing me," Christian pleads in the video. “I didn’t do anything to hurt you, all I said was respect a girl.”

“You said you were going to shoot me," the officer told him.

“I didn’t say that, I said I’m going to sue you,” clarified Christian. 

The confrontation began when the plain clothes officer swore a friend of Christian’s who had stepped on his lawn, located on Euclid Street and West Palais Road.

“My son defended [his friend] and said, ‘don’t talk to a lady like that,’” Johnny Dorscht said. “That’s when the cop got mad and confronted my son, and threw him on the floor. The cop was choking him out. He got away, the cop pulled him back, and that’s when the video started.”

A 15-year-old friend of Christian's was arrested as well. 

Alexandra Rosenmann is an AlterNet associate editor. Follow her @alexpreditor.

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