Fed's Yellen cold on Donald Trump's stimulus

Federal Reserve chief Janet Yellen. For the first time in 15 years, higher rates in the US than in Australia are a ...
Federal Reserve chief Janet Yellen. For the first time in 15 years, higher rates in the US than in Australia are a "realistic" prospect. AP

US Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen has undermined President-elect Donald Trump's plan for a big fiscal stimulus, saying more government spending is not required to achieve full employment because the jobless rate is already low and inflation is building.

Mr Trump's intended tax cuts and infrastructure investment convinced some members of the Federal Open Market Committee to increase their interest rate rise expectations for 2017, to three hikes from the two envisaged before the November presidential election.

After lifting rates on Wednesday for just the second time in more than a decade, Dr Yellen sounded a slightly hawkish note that caused the Australian dollar to fall about 1 per cent to briefly dip below US74¢ and stocks on Wall Street to retreat.

The Fed chair said "slack" in the US economy had "diminished" since she and predecessor Ben Bernanke called for an active government budget boost in the wake of the 2008-09 deep recession when the jobless rate was "substantially higher" compared to the 4.6 per cent today.

The Fed's outlook for the US jobless rate.
The Fed's outlook for the US jobless rate. Federal Reserve

"At this point fiscal policy is not obviously needed to provide stimulus to help us get back to full employment," Dr Yellen said.

The yield on the five-year Treasury bond leapt through 2 per cent for the first time in five years and the US dollar soared to a 14-year high against a basket of currencies in reaction to her remarks.

Strong rally

US stocks fell, thwarting the Dow Jones Industrial Average's historic march towards 20,000. The Dow came within 50 points of that mark on Wednesday in the US, before finishing the session down 0.60 per cent to 19,792.53.

Since the November 8 election, stock markets in advanced economies have rallied strongly on bets that Mr Trump will unleash big tax cuts for individuals and companies, roll back regulation, increase defence spending and boost infrastructure investment.

Some economists believe Donald Trump could preside over a big public debt blowout unless congressional Republicans tamp ...
Some economists believe Donald Trump could preside over a big public debt blowout unless congressional Republicans tamp down his fiscal ambitions. AP

Dr Yellen said that unemployment was low and inflation edging towards the bank's 2 per cent target. The Fed's preferred measure of inflation, the core personal consumption expenditure index, is running at 1.74 per cent.

US federal government debt to GDP, currently at 77 per cent, is projected to rise as the population ages, a forecast that Dr Yellen said needs to be considered by economic policymakers such as Congress and the White House.

Some economists believe Mr Trump, a real estate developer, could preside over a big public debt blowout unless congressional Republicans tamp down his fiscal ambitions that include slashing the corporate tax rate to as low as 15 per cent from 35 per cent.

Dr Yellen reiterated a cautionary warning from November that fiscal policies should focus on boosting lacklustre productivity.

The Fed's refreshed economic growth forecasts.
The Fed's refreshed economic growth forecasts. Federal Reserve

The Fed chair said corporate tax reductions, which Mr Trump has promised, could stimulate investment but she declined to say if personal tax cuts would help productivity.

Unclog bottlenecks

Infrastructure investment can be productive if politicians select the right projects to unclog transport bottlenecks.

More broadly, she said policies that improve education, training and workforce participation, raise public and private investment, and spur innovation would improve productivity and therefore lift living standards.

The composition of economic policy to be pursued by the Trump administration and Republican-controlled Congress is uncertain.

While Mr Trump has floated an estimated $US4 trillion ($5.4 trillion) worth of business and personal tax cuts over the next five years and $US1 trillion in tax breaks for private-sector-led infrastructure investment, Republican congressional leaders have emphasised that reform must be revenue neutral.

"There is a lot of uncertainty about how much fiscal stimulus we will get," said JPMorgan strategist David Kelly.

Dr Yellen wants to see more economic policy details from the incoming Trump administration and Congress before making any firm call on how it could affect monetary policy.

Goldman Sachs forecasts tax cuts to be phased in and economic growth to receive the biggest boost from the mooted stimulus in late 2017 and early 2018, by around 0.5 of a percentage point.

In the depths of the crisis when the Fed urged politicians to unleash more government spending, Republicans opposed President Barack Obama's push for a large infrastructure package.

Adding to the uncertainty for fiscal and monetary policy, at least five new voting members will join the FOMC in 2017; three annual rotations and Mr Trump's two scheduled appointments.

Mixed data

Dr Yellen, who Mr Trump threatened to sack during the campaign for holding rates too low, said she intended to serve out her four-year term that expires at the end of January 2018.

She warned against rolling back financial regulation such as the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act imposed in response to the "devastating" financial crisis.

Meanwhile, economic data was mixed on Wednesday.

Industrial production fell 0.4 per cent last month, dragged down by milder than usual weather affecting the output of utilities.

Retail sales rose a slower-than-anticipated 0.1 per cent due to fewer car purchases.

"Despite a weaker-than-expected increase in November retail sales, goods spending is on track to increase strongly in the fourth quarter," said RBC economist Josh Nye.

Producer prices jumped 0.4 per cent in November from a surprise October decline, signalling strengthening demand that points to "upward inflation pressures in 2017", said Wells Fargo Securities senior economist Sam Bullard.

Goldman Sachs has December quarter GDP tracking at a modest 2 per cent.