Lawyers for LEMAR?


Fifth Estate # 34, July 15-31, 1967

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A number of Detroit lawyers have indicated to Detroit LEMAR (Legalize Marijuana) that they would be interested in setting up a legal aid service for busted marijuana users if a general fund could be set up which would insure a nominal fee for those attorneys involved.

Their suggestion was that interested heads and sympathetic persons pledge a dollar or two per month to such a fund so that a backlog of available money would be made available in cases of arrests on marijuana charges.

The Detroit LEMAR group will organize and direct such a fund if there are enough initial and continuing donors to make this happy possibility a reality. People who want to protect themselves and their friends against the possibility of marijuana arrests and the concomitant legal hassles involved, can send their donations to: Detroit LEMAR, c/o Trans—Love Energies, 4857 John Lodge, Detroit, Michigan 48201; Attention: Magdalene Sinclair, secretary.

Along with the defense fund, LEMAR would like to compile a directory of young, honest attorneys who would be interested in working on the defense Project, at fees commensurate with the financial situations of those arrested. Those so interested can contact John Sinclair or Pun Plamondon of LEMAR at 831-6840.

LEMAR also has available a number of reprints of articles on marijuana, including Allen Ginsberg’s “Great Marijuana Hoax” essay, which will be sent on receipt of a self-addressed manila envelope and 25 cents to cover printing costs.

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