New Internationalist


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Smiley-faced monopolists: how Google, Facebook and Amazon won the world

Does it matter that these titans are so successful? Vanessa Baird examines what their domination means for all of us.

Filed in: Corporations Society Technology

What's not for sale in branded America?

Mark Engler bemoans the corporate colonization of public space.

Filed in: Corporations United States

Big Davids, small Goliaths

How new trade deals – and Investor-State Dispute Settlements in particular – are giving more power to companies to sue countries for lost profits.

Filed in: Corporations Law Politics Trade

Taxation, death and democracy

Many myths are constructed to justify not paying taxes. David Hutt explores some of them.

Filed in: Cambodia Corporations Finance

Male baldness v malaria?

Simon Trace on the skewed priorities of medical research.

Filed in: Corporations Development (Aid) Health Medicine

Artful dodging

Five reasons not to buy BP’s story about the end of its sponsorship deals.

Filed in: Art Corporations Oil

PISA-envy, Pearson and Starbucks-style schools

Good for corporations, but what about the pupils? Adam Unwin and John Yandell consider the impact of edu-businesses.

Filed in: Corporations Education

Our shadowy corporate overlords

TTIP is both ludicrous and frightening, writes Chris Coltrane.

Filed in: Corporations Politics

Developing countries urged to pull out of the WTO

Moses Wasamu reports on activists’ concerns as the World Trade Organization meets in Kenya.

Filed in: Corporations Economics Kenya Trade

Act now to defend public education

David Archer explains why privatization must be challenged.

Filed in: Corporations Education

Still biting

Big Oil’s history of denial, delay and distortion is laid bare by Greg Muttitt.

Filed in: Climate Change Corporations Energy Oil

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