New Internationalist


We have 22 articles tagged Adaptation. Showing pages 1 to 10.

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Brace for impact: it’s time to build the fight for climate adaptation

Responding to climate change is not just about curbing emissions, but also adapting to what has already changed, says Daniel Macmillen Voskoboynik.…

  • Wed Feb 22 12:52:06 2017
  • Rank: 100
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Prepare for the worst, African farmers told

Climate change threatens food security but, Henry Owino discovers, adaptation is already underway.…

  • Fri Jul 8 08:20:00 2016
  • Rank: 100

'In a country like Philippines...'

Iris Gonzales reflects on the lessons she learnt on her recent trip to Portugal's capital.…

  • Fri Jul 8 08:20:00 2016
  • Rank: 100

‘We need a climate change adaptation fund’

Iris Gonzales interviews economics expert Jeffrey Sachs who says countries need to step up efforts to reduce their carbon footprints.…

  • Fri Jul 8 08:20:00 2016
  • Rank: 100

UN climate talks: a view from Bangladesh

As COP18 draws to a close, aid worker Nazmul Chowdhury worries that adaptation is still a side show.…

  • Fri Jul 8 08:20:00 2016
  • Rank: 100

Climate adaptation: saviour or false hope?

Activists on the frontline fear that pledges of adaptation support are ‘empty promises’, says Ben Castle.…

  • Fri Jul 8 08:20:00 2016
  • Rank: 100
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Shielding the ants from the elephants

Milan Gandhi looks at what’s at stake at COP20 for those bearing the brunt of the West’s failure to tackle climate change.…

  • Fri Jul 8 08:20:00 2016
  • Rank: 100
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Grassroots climate resilience in dryland Africa

We must listen to and work with those most affected by climate change, says Philip Goodwin.…

  • Fri Jul 8 08:20:00 2016
  • Rank: 100

Ready or not: can Bangladesh cope with climate change?

New Internationalist co-editor Hazel Healy travelled there to find out how people are adapting to a warming world.…

  • Sun Apr 1 10:32:00 2012
  • Rank: 100

Action listings for April Issue 451

Get busy with it! Groups and campaigns fighting against global warming and supporting the poorest nations to adapt; to accompany Issue 451 of the April New Internationalist Adapt or die: How Bangladesh is facing up to climate change.…

  • Fri Jul 8 08:20:00 2016
  • Rank: 100


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