New Internationalist


We have 260 articles tagged Activism. Showing pages 1 to 10.

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The deadly business of grassroots climate activism

A recent report found that 2015 was the deadliest year on record for environmental activists, raising concerns for those who continue to fight on the frontline, writes Liam Turner.…

  • Tue Nov 15 08:15:51 2016
  • Rank: 100
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Students, Solidarity and Sweatshops

After its long history of standing up against injustice, the student movement is taking on the issue of modern slavery, writes Chris Jarvis.…

  • Thu Dec 8 06:11:23 2016
  • Rank: 100
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Spied on by BP

Why did an oil company go to such lengths to monitor Jess Worth’s activism? Perhaps we are more powerful than we think.…

  • Tue Sep 6 08:51:35 2016
  • Rank: 100
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Bravery's edge

Thousands of unknown activists have risked their lives to defy extremism and violence. Daniel Adamson interviews some of them.…

  • Tue Sep 6 08:51:15 2016
  • Rank: 100
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The People vs Monsanto (and other GM giants)

Around the world, people are mobilizing against biotech bullies.…

  • Tue Sep 6 08:49:32 2016
  • Rank: 100
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Action on banks - what you can do

How to get involved...…

  • Tue Sep 6 08:49:16 2016
  • Rank: 100
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'The real power is below'

Campaigners, unionists and organizers discuss Paris, and beyond, from New Internationalist's November magazine.…

  • Tue Sep 6 08:47:08 2016
  • Rank: 100

A rebel's guide to Paris

Want to cause trouble for the polluters and procrastinators? From the November New Internationalist magazine, here are top tips for the discerning summit-crasher.…

  • Tue Sep 6 08:47:08 2016
  • Rank: 100
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Beating the digital titans

You can take action at a practical and technological level – and a political one. .…

  • Thu Jul 28 03:46:37 2016
  • Rank: 100

Global solidarity for Palestinian hunger strikers

Noreen Sadik fears that time is running out for Ayman Sharawana and Samer Issawi, refusing food in Israeli prisons.…

  • Fri Jul 8 08:20:00 2016
  • Rank: 100


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