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Question Time from the House of Representatives

Federal Budget 2014

Budget 2014: Entitlements for older Australians cut in Hockey budget

By Annabel Crabb

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'People will be sharpening their pencils at the next election': Seniors Australia

ABC News

The Government will eliminate or cut a range of entitlements for older Australians, in what Treasurer Joe Hockey says is an attempt to make pensions "affordable and sustainable for decades to come".

Mr Hockey said the Government would keep its promise not to change the age pension in the first term of the Abbott Government, but confirmed that from 2017, payments will grow more slowly.

The indexation of the age pension will, from 2017, be linked to the consumer price index, rather than to average male wages, a decision that will save the Government $449 million over four years.

From 2017, asset and income test thresholds will also be frozen for three years.

Also from September 2017, the deeming thresholds for the income test will be reset to $30,000 for single pensioners and $50,000 for pensioner couples combined.

The qualifying age for the pension will - as foreshadowed - increase to 70 by the year 2035. That measure will not affect any Australians born before July 1, 1958.

But in the next three years, a series of entitlements for older Australians will be clipped.

The Seniors Supplement will be abolished from July 1 this year, for a saving of $1.1 billion.

The Seniors Health Card will be harder to qualify for, with the untaxed superannuation of new applicants now counting toward the income test.

And the Commonwealth will dramatically cut its support for various state and territory based seniors' concessions, eliminating $1.3 billion in spending in what the Government described as a decision taken "to repair the budget".

The Dependent Spouse Tax Offset, which until now was available to people with dependent spouses of age 60 or older, will be discontinued, a decision which will save the Government $320 million.

The Mature Age Worker Tax Offset will also be abolished, saving $750 million, although a new scheme, entitled Restart, will encourage companies to hire older workers by offering bonuses of up to $10,000 for hiring over-50s who have been on unemployment benefits or the disability support pension for more than six months.

The Government has also abolished the Pensioner Education Supplement, for a saving of $281 million, and will not proceed with the planned pilot of Supporting Senior Australians: Housing Help For Seniors, a $173 million program that was to encourage older Australians to downsize to smaller dwellings.

Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews said the Government was improving the way home care places were allocated through the Aged Care Approvals Round "to better meet community demand and give providers more certainty".

The Government will cease paying its current Aged Care Payroll Tax Supplement to aged care providers, and has foreshadowed a considerable saving from 2018 - $1.7 billion over six years - by almost halving its expenditure on the Commonwealth Home Support Program.

Mr Andrews said the Government had delivered on its promise not to change the age pension, and reminded pensioners that the carbon tax would be scrapped.

"Age pensioners will continue to receive the compensation payment after the carbon tax is scrapped," he said.

But he warned that sustainability of the age pension was under threat, necessitating difficult decisions.

"Australia faces a major demographic shift as the baby boomer generation enters retirement," he said. "We will have more retirees than ever before, and they will be living longer. If we wish to have a sustainable age pension system that looks after those who need it most, now and into the future, we must reform it."

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