World Television (WTV SA) is one of the longest established creative and digital video communications agency in Europe, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland with fully staffed offices in London, Cologne, Frankfurt, Madrid, Stockholm and Zurich.
The company was co-founded by Peter Sibley and Andrew Booth in 1991; by 2012, the company was managing over 2,000 projects in 75 countries in 35 languages. The agency was originally established to support the global marketing activities of international NGOs, including Greenpeace International, WWF International, Amnesty International and United Nations agencies. In the late 1990s, its activities were extended to support the global video strategies of multinational corporations, governments and international organisations.
WTV developed its own proprietary technology platforms with original investment from Swisscom and has its own dedicated data centre and hosting services. Its on-line platforms include StreamStudio, Channel Player, Digital Newsroom and Multimedia News Releases.
I could just sort of not be there
Know what I mean? Not be anywhere
Crawl out a cage jump through a hoop,
Oh my gosh I'm living in a loop
Empty on my bed
head In my world, come and go
What I want I just don't know
In my world.
Sipping mint juleps out on the porch
for you my darling I'll always hold a torch
Funny face on my cup
Watch my bubbling up
In my world, come and go
What I want I just don't know
In my world, come and go
Seal my fate, ask my soul
In my world.
Such infatuation so great
I could just go jump in the lake
In my world, come and go
What I want I just don't know
In my world, come and go
Seal my fate, ask my soul
In my world, come and go
What I want I just don't know
World Television (WTV SA) is one of the longest established creative and digital video communications agency in Europe, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland with fully staffed offices in London, Cologne, Frankfurt, Madrid, Stockholm and Zurich.
The company was co-founded by Peter Sibley and Andrew Booth in 1991; by 2012, the company was managing over 2,000 projects in 75 countries in 35 languages. The agency was originally established to support the global marketing activities of international NGOs, including Greenpeace International, WWF International, Amnesty International and United Nations agencies. In the late 1990s, its activities were extended to support the global video strategies of multinational corporations, governments and international organisations.
WTV developed its own proprietary technology platforms with original investment from Swisscom and has its own dedicated data centre and hosting services. Its on-line platforms include StreamStudio, Channel Player, Digital Newsroom and Multimedia News Releases.