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Dr. Norman Swan leads a team of reporters who cover all aspects of health, from lifestyle to complementary medicines to the most recent medical discoveries.

Saliva as a cancer indicator

Saliva as a cancer indicator

On this episode of Tonic, Dr Norman Swan looks into saliva as a cancer indicator; ageing and cell types; and do smokefree laws make a difference?

Patient familiarisation programs

Patient familiarisation programs

On this episode of Tonic, Dr Norman Swan looks at patient familiarisation programs; and adolescent depression and transcranial magnetic stimulation.

HRT and menopause

HRT and menopause

On this episode of Tonic, Dr Norman Swan looks into hormone replacement therapy for menopause; botox and fillers; and pelvic and lumbar spine.



On this episode of Tonic, Dr Norman Swan looks into one of the most misunderstood and misdiagnosed forms of headache; migraine. And with young people's binge drinking will their brains even survive to old age?

Acupuncture and yoga for cancer

Acupuncture and yoga for cancer

Join Dr Norman Swan and the Tonic team as they look at new research into acupuncture and yoga in treating the side effects of cancer therapy.

Nutritional interventions for prostate cancer

Nutritional interventions for prostate cancer

Can you eat your way out of cancer? Tonic looks at research that is finding there could be a safe, healthy diet option which may help to control the growth of cancer tissue.

Aerobic exercise and dementia

Aerobic exercise and dementia

Dr Norman Swan and the Tonic team look at how regular aerobic exercise could help prevent the onset of dementia and the health benefits of standing.

Cancer in women

Cancer in women

Gynaecological cancers aren't often spoken about, but they can have an enormous impact on women, their partners and their families. In a special Tonic, the team look at this particularly troublesome group of cancers.

Sleep apnoea

Sleep apnoea

On this episode of Tonic, we find out whether snoring can cause serious medical conditions, including diabetes and we catch up with some fat monkeys and find out what they can tell us about new obesity drugs.

Late talkers

Late talkers

Dr Norman Swan and the team look at a handy new tool for parents who think their toddler might be a late talker, and research into personalised treatments for cancer sufferers.



In this episode of Tonic, the team looks at a problem that affects one in six children, one in ten adults and up to one in five of us during our lifetimes; asthma.

Iron and brain health

Iron and brain health

Dr Norman Swan and the Tonic team look at iron and brain development, and the latest research on happiness.

Male depression

Male depression

In the series return of Tonic, Dr Norman Swan and his team look at the hidden epidemic of male depression.

Subjects A-Z

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7.30pm Sunday, ABC News24

Dr Norman Swan

Tonic is a magazine-style program that relies on the latest evidence and advice from world-leading health experts to inform viewers and help them to live a healthier life.

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