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Video - 2011



Endometrial cancer

29 Nov 2011
Carrying extra body fat is linked to an increased risk of endometrial cancer.

Tags: cancer, reproduction-and-contraception, womens-health


All itches are not thrush

15 Nov 2011
Itching or burning around a woman's genitalia can have many causes; one rare cause you don't want to ignore is cancer.

Tags: cancer, medical-history, reproduction-and-contraception, womens-health


Pap smears

01 Nov 2011
Can a Pap smear detect ovarian cancer and do you still need a Pap smear if you've had the cervical cancer vaccine?

Tags: cancer, reproduction-and-contraception, womens-health


Vaginal bleeding

18 Oct 2011
Here's an important question for women: when should you be worried about vaginal bleeding?

Tags: menopause, womens-health, menstruation


Low back pain

12 Jul 2011
Scans for back pain are usually unnecessary, unless there are other warning signs, researchers say.

Tags: alternative-medicine, back-pain


Treatment of reflux oesophagitis

28 Jun 2011
Is surgery or medication more effective for management of gastro-oesophageal reflux?

Tags: reflux-heartburn, drug-use, stomach-and-digestion


One pill a day

14 Jun 2011
Could a single pill be enough to help people over 55 reduce risk factors like cholesterol, blood pressure and thrombosis.

Tags: heart-disease, nicotine, occupational-health-and-safety


New blood pressure treatment

31 May 2011
Researchers have trialed a new treatment that could help those whose high blood pressure doesn't respond to the usual medications.

Tags: hypertension, medical-procedures


How to be medicine wise

17 May 2011
Every year around 140,000 Australians are admitted to hospital and one of the reasons is, they've got problems with the medications they're taking. And over half of these problems are preventable. So what can we do to reduce our risk?



Dementia link to aggressive blood sugar control

03 May 2011
Overly aggressive attempts to lower blood sugar are associated with dementia risk, research finds.

Tags: alzheimers-and-dementia, diabetes


Pain relief medications for small children

19 Apr 2011
Take extra care when giving pain relief medications to small children. They can respond differently to adults and are particularly sensitive to overdose.

Tags: child-health-and-behaviour, pain, pharmaceuticals, safety

Health Minutes

Clostridium difficile in Australia

05 Apr 2011
Clostridium difficile has been causing problems overseas and now it has arrived in Australia.

Tags: infectious-diseases-other, healthcare-facilities, diseases-and-disorders


Change in over-the-counter painkiller regulations

22 Mar 2011
Safety concerns mean certain popular painkillers are no long available over the counter.

Tags: pain, pharmaceuticals


Best treatment for insomnia

09 Mar 2011
Researchers have looked into which is the best treatment for insomnia, CBT or sleeping pills.

Tags: sleep-disorders, sleep


Aspirin in treating peripheral artery disease

23 Feb 2011
Aspirin may not be the best treatment for peripheral artery disease, research has found.

Tags: heart-disease, stroke, pharmaceuticals


Antibiotics and pneumonia

08 Feb 2011
Researchers have compared how GPs from 13 countries use antibiotics to treat pneumonia.

Tags: respiratory-diseases, medical-procedures


Heart disease risk and heart rate in women

25 Jan 2011
Research finds higher resting heart rate can point to increased likelihood of heart disease in women too.

Tags: heart-disease, older-people, womens-health


Endometrial cancer

Endometrial cancer

Carrying extra body fat is linked to an increased risk of endometrial cancer.

Dr Norman Swan

Got a minute for your health? In 60 seconds of straight talk, Dr Norman Swan keeps you up to date with the latest medical research.