

Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook plan is bigger than politics

Just what exactly is Mark Zuckerberg up to? It is a question that watchers of Facebook and its increasingly statesmanlike chief executive have been asking a lot in the last few months.

First he promised to give away almost all his wealth over the course of his lifetime, setting up a foundation with his wife Priscilla Chan that will funnel Mr Zuckerberg's $US50 billion ($65 billion) fortune into good causes. Then he announced plans to visit every US state this year in a "man of the people" drive to understand the parts of America left behind by the modern world.

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Mark Zuckerberg questions Trump's rhetoric

Saying he hears "fearful voices calling for building walls" Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg references comments by Republican frontrunner Donald Trump.

And last week, he posted a 5700-word defence of globalism and inclusivity presented as Facebook's new "mission statement".

In his letter, Mr Zuckerberg wrote that "across the world there are people left behind by globalisation, and movements for withdrawing from global connection", and said he wanted to "bring humanity together".

Speaking in such grandiose tones is above the usual chief executive's pay grade, even in technology, where hubris is already in plentiful supply. It has led to many suggestions that he harbours political ambitions; that after President Trump, why not President Zuckerberg?

It is in some ways an enticing idea: the Facebook founder as the young, brainy globetrotting antidote to the current administration. But it's time to pour cold water on this fantasy. For one thing, Mr Zuckerberg himself has repeatedly denied it - and did so again last week.


For another, his schtick has always been about bringing people together, so he would presumably see little benefit in isolating half of America by picking one political party.

No, Mark Zuckerberg does not want to be president; at least not yet. Last week's letter, posted on his own Facebook page and accompanied by a round of interviews, was not a Zuckerberg 2020 manifesto. However, if you have a passing interest in how the world's fifth-richest man sees the future of America's sixth-biggest company, it explained a lot.

Facebook has not had the easiest year. Yes, shares have continued to surge, and all the other usual numbers are going the right way - profits more than doubled, and almost 2 billion people around the world now use Facebook every month. But its growing power and influence have come under intense scrutiny, most clearly around "fake news". Facebook was accused of helping spread false internet stories during the US election, shoving hoaxes in front of millions of American readers' eyes and even influencing the vote.

Fake news has now become a global issue, with fears that it will be used to hijack elections in France and Germany this year, and in Britain it is the subject of a parliamentary inquiry. But it has not been Facebook's only criticism: it faced parallel charges of over-censorship last year when it removed newsworthy photos of war crimes and civil rights protests. The company was also accused of neo-colonialism over attempts to provide people in India and elsewhere with free internet access, limited to Facebook and a few other websites.

Further battles can be expected this year. A US president that won power on a national security promise will be more forthright about accessing the wealth of personal data that tech giants have. The Circle, an impending film starring Emma Watson and Tom Hanks in which an internet company creates unlimited surveillance and zero privacy, will reflect badly on Silicon Valley. (Zuckerberg, who has already enjoyed the Hollywood treatment, already knows its power.)

Most tech businesses are worried about some new upstart stealing their thunder. Facebook, though, has been so blisteringly successful at defeating (or buying) its rivals that a change in public or political opinion is now its biggest threat. There is a rising feeling in some quarters that Facebook's power is now reaching a point where leaving it unchecked is uncomfortable.

For a while, Facebook's answer has been to downplay its influence: the defence has been that it has no agenda or motive, it merely provides a platform, a blank canvas on which everything that appears is the responsibility of the users.

Last year, a tide of criticism saw that excuse evaporate, and Mr Zuckerberg's letter last week was an attempt to present a new vision that, instead of defusing criticism, turned it on its head. Most of his essay was not about political ideals but a sales pitch for all the ways Facebook can be a force for good.

Mr Zuckerberg said his website could help restore local communities that have broken down over the decades and promised that Facebook could use artificial intelligence to fight terrorism and help victims of natural disasters find sanctuary.

He acknowledged the site's struggles with fake news and censorship and proposed solutions, but most of what he wrote was about why Facebook should be more, not less, embedded in people's lives.

It is unsurprising that Mr Zuckerberg has been likened to a presidential candidate recently. He has ambitions beyond those of most chief executives. But they are still ambitions for Facebook: to make the social network far more central to the lives of billions than it already is today (and presumably, with billions more in advertising revenue).

The manifesto said that Facebook would help society reach the "next level", of which governments were just one ingredient, and that it would "build the new social infrastructure to create the world we want for generations to come". Who needs the White House? In Mark Zuckerberg's world, Facebook is bigger than that.

The Daily Telegraph, London