
Daniil Trifonov: Russian piano prodigy can play underwater

Listening to Daniil Trifonov, the Russian with perhaps the most incredible technique of any 21st century pianist, one feels he could play under water. And, it transpires, he does.

Swimming, stretching and yoga all improve muscle flexibility, Trifonov says. So he swims whenever he can and plays through piano pieces as well.

"For instance, if I'm practising an etude I would not so much use fingers as the entire hand and try to play from the spine – and for that the swimming pool is the best spot to practise because the water has a lot of resistance," he says.

The exciting young virtuoso, who tours Australia next month, also often records himself practising, so he can keep discovering new things in the music. "It gives a different perspective, a third-person perspective, which is a helpful way of noticing things you miss in the first person at the piano itself."

The 21st century abounds with wonderful technicians, but Trifonov is at the summit, as a tribute from Martha Argerich​, one of the most stellar pianists of the previous generation, recognised.

In 2011, when the 20-year-old Trifonov had just won the prestigious Tchaikovsky competition, Argerich said: "What he does with his hands is technically incredible. It's also his touch – he has tenderness and also the demonic element. I never heard anything like that."


In the New Yorker last month, Alex Ross wrote that what set Trifonov apart was two attributes seldom combined in the one pianist: "monstrous technique and lustrous tone. The characteristic Trifonov effect is a rapid, glistening flurry of note that hardly seems to involve the mechanical action of hammers and strings. It's more like the immaterial swirl of veils."

His star continues to rise, with a huge success at the Proms last year, while the recital program he will play in Australia impressed Ross mightily at Carnegie Hall in December. Trifonov will play Schumann, Shostakovich and Stravinsky in solo recitals in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth, and Rachmaninov's first piano concerto with the Sydney and Melbourne Symphony Orchestras.

The Rachmaninov concerto is not as well-known as the composer's second and third concertos, but Trifonov thinks it is unique and important. "Some of the ideas will never be repeated again in his style, and others will manifest only much later. This concerto offers all the routes Rachmaninov will later go on, plus the freshness of the young composer and very sensitive and subtle reactions to his harmonic shadings," he says.

The theme that links the recital, Trifonov says, is how the three non-baroque composers treated the baroque, and especially the influence of Bach. It is a typically searching and poetic program from an unusually reflective young man.

"In certain ways these pieces are tributes to the elements of the baroque style, but from the perspective of a different time and place."

He begins with Schumann's delicate Scenes from Childhood, one of the Romantic composer's most popular works, followed by the short but blazing Toccata, a musical showpiece much employed by Bach on the organ. The organ link is very much present in the third Schumann work, Kreisleriana, which with the Shostakovich is at the heart of the recital, Trifonov says.

Kreisleriana, which was dedicated to Chopin, is based on a character in E T A Hoffmann, and is wildly dramatic. "Hoffmann was inspired by the music of Bach, and in Kreisleriana we hear a lot of that influence, organ-like sonorities," Trifonov says.

Shostakovich's 24 Preludes and Fugues (of which Trifonov will play a selection), written after he visited the Bach centre of Leipzig in 1950, are "the highest point in his piano literature", Trifonov says, and his last major work for solo piano. They include an "ethereal magic, tender lyricism and sincerity" that are very unusual for Shostakovich, he says.

The final programmed work is Stravinsky's Three Movements from Petrushka, based on his ballet, which the composer adapted for his friend, the pianist Artur Rubinstein​. They blaze with colour and energy.

One of the challenges is the entirely different pianism needed for Schumann, in the mid-1800s and the two Russians from the mid-1900s. "The piano of Schumann's time differs vastly from the piano of Stravinsky's time," Trifonov says. "Of course the language is entirely different as well. Certain new ways and elements of approaching piano playing from the 20th century take place in Stravinsky's score."

This is Trifonov's first visit to Australia and, given that he also composes, maintains a hectic schedule and dislikes long travel, he may not be seen here again soon.

Daniil Trifonov performs with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra at the Opera House on March 1, 3 & 4; at Sydney's City Recital Hall on March 6; with the West Australian Symphony Orchestra at Perth Concert Hall on March 10 & 11; at Melbourne Recital Centre on March 14 as part of the Great Performers Series; and with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra at Arts Centre Melbourne on March 17, 18 & 20.
