
Married at First Sight 2017: Nick the stripper fan is torn a new one by Sharon

The puppetmasters had a field day as their new couple stirred things up at the weekly dinner party.

Forget the bride stripped bare: this was the bride rips her husband a new one as Sharon laid into Nick over his fondness for visiting, ahem, gentlemen's clubs up to "three times a night".

In fairness, he claimed it was usually less frequent than that – maybe a few times a month – and he only went there for the conversation. Right. And he only looks at Playboy for the articles, we're sure.

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"It's relaxing, chilled, a good place to chat with your mates, just like the pub," Nick the stripper fan insisted.

"Only, with naked women you can stare at and get lap dances from," shot back his wife, not unreasonably.

Sadly, no one called him a fat little insect, in jest or otherwise. But then references to early Nick Cave songs probably don't cut much ice with the Married at First Sight crowd anyway.

The "experts" watched on with palpable delight. "Ooh, looks like there's trouble in paradise," they said while twitching the strings of their "experiment" by reintroducing a couple of the meat puppets who had earlier departed.


Stubbly fireman Andrew was greeted by all and sundry with a hail-fellow-well-met chorus of "Jonesy!" But Cheryl, his new date (but not yet wife), was treated like the scarlet woman.

She last sat at the communal dining table with a different husband, and swiftly proceeded to dump him. Everyone skipped over the fact she'd had pretty good reason to do so, racing straight ahead to the prospect she might do so again. 

The experts were hopeful, though, referring to this newly minted couple as survivors of "failed marriages". Given that one of them didn't even make it through the night, I'm not sure failed is a strong enough word.

Racing broadcaster Anthony – self-appointed master of this domain – was calling it with all the giddy excitement of a Melbourne Cup. "And Cheryl has come from absolutely nowhere. She's racing up the outside, her eyes on the prize. Can Jonesy hang on till the finishing line?"

He was unwilling to believe she was there for the "right" reasons. Which are what, exactly? A shot at cheap celebrity? Narcissism? A possible TV contract? Oh, right, sorry. Lerrv.

Cheryl and Andrew on a second date on Married at First Sight 2017.

Cheryl and Andrew enjoyed a second date more than they enjoyed being married to other people at first sight. 

Increasingly, Married at First Sight looks like a big fat key party. It turns out the cleaner twins Sharon and Michelle know Jonesy from PMT (pre-marriage time); Shaz even played netball with him. She's protective as all hell of him. She thinks he's the bee's knees and all. Pretty spunky, actually. Kind of makes you wonder why she didn't just marry him back in the real world.

Who else knows each other on the "outside", you wonder? Are there more partner swaps ahead of us? It's turning into Melrose Place, but without the explosions (though the experts may yet throw one of those into the mix).

Married at First Sight 2017. The participants come together for the weekly dinner party.

Chuck in an explosion or two, and the 2017 season of Married at First Sight would look a lot like Melrose Place. 

Earlier, Alene had turned up to drinks with her new husband, telling everyone she didn't really like Simon, the guy she'd been matched with first time around. Then she brought in the new bloke – Simon! With short hair! Da-dah!

Delilah paraded her Samson around for all to see, then quickly whisked him off to the boudoir for what Nick would no doubt call some "conversation".

Here's hoping that haircut hadn't sapped his strength too much, because it looked like she planned on talking all night long.

Karl Quinn is on facebook at karlquinnjournalist and on twitter @karlkwin