
Medibank in three-year bid to lift health insurance share

The slide of the share of the private health insurance market held by Medibank Private is showing few signs of slowing, as the group battles high complaints volumes and rising costs.

The insurer is pinning its hopes on a three-year turnaround, moving to stop the loss of market share before hoping to rebuild its position.

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Medibank reports flat profit

CEO Craig Drummond speaks about Medibank's earnings results. Vision courtesy ABC News 24.

In the December half alone, Medibank suffered a further decline in its share of the market to 27.2 per cent, extending the slide to more than seven years, during which time UK insurer Bupa has emerged as the market leader.

Industry-wide, policyholder numbers are under pressure, due in part to the continued steep rise in premiums over the past several years.

The most recent industry data shows a large rise in those in their early seventies taking out health insurance, for example, even as overall industry-wide numbers declined, indicating that younger, healthier policyholders are abandoning the industry.

"In re-orienting the company to customer service and providing value for customers, we believe we can flatten our market share over a three-year period – first to stop the decline and get to a flat performance, and then to grow," the recently installed chief executive Craig Drummond said.


"We've seen 43 basis points of market share decline over the past four halves, and 36 basis points last half."

Mr Drummond said that meant the company was on track to meet its turnaround milestones.

"We are starting to turn this around. I want to change the trajectory of the past eight years."

Mr Drummond said the sustained slide in the company's share of the market under both government and private ownership reflected a lack of focus on customer outcomes.

"It is about a cultural change, and becoming focused on the outcome for customers," he said of the changes he has been pursuing since taking over the running of the company last year.

"If customers do well, everyone will do well. This is all about shifting the culture within the organisation ... customer focus and accountability."

As part of this, all "non-customer-facing employees" are to spend 30 hours a year dealing directly with customers, to get firsthand experience of the issues, he said.

Similarly it intends to release publicly its net promoter score which measures the loyalty of policyholders towards the company, in a bid to put further pressure on senior management to revive the company's standing in the marketplace, with the data to be included in some staff remuneration.

During the December half, for example, Medibank accounted for 48 per cent of all complaints made to the Private Health Insurance Ombudsman – nearly double its 27 per cent share of the market.

The fact that this declined from 61 per cent in the September quarter was viewed positively, with the level of complaints falling further since the beginning of 2017. The company is confident this will decline to below its share of the market by the end of 2017.

The company expects to resolve most of the outstanding issues with the introduction of a new information technology (IT) system over the next three to six months, which should also help to stem complaints.

In the December half, Medibank lifted its net profit 1.9 per cent to $231.9 million as it benefited from the Trump rally in financial markets which boosted investment income.

It raised the interim dividend to 5.25¢ from 5¢ paid a year ago, with analysts anticipating a step up in the payout for the full year. Investors responded by slicing 3.9 per cent off the share price with it closing at $2.70.

"It is not uncommon to have [the dividend] skewed in the second half compared with the first half, and that's what we're currently planning," Mr Drummond said.

Medibank was planning some small acquisitions, he said, which was another reason for the decision to harbour some cash for now.