
ASIC reprimands insurance industry for selling junk products

The corporate watchdog has sharply rebuked the insurance industry for selling "appalling" and "shocking" add-on insurance products that are "deteriorating" consumer trust. 

At the Insurance Council of Australia's (ICA) annual forum, Greg Medcraft, chairman of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, said the industry had designed "complex and extremely poor value" add-on insurance products and the most vulnerable consumers were paying the price.

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Add-on insurance

Paul Quinn was sold "add-on" car insurance when he bought his Toyota four years ago. He joined a Consumer Action campaign to get his money back and won.

Add-on insurance is sold through car dealers and can come in the form of gap, walk-away, and trauma insurance, and regulators agree it is little more than "junk". The claims ratios are less than 10 cents in the dollar.

"Do you recommend all of these products to your friends and family on a regular basis?" he asked the crowd in the Hilton Hotel's grand ballroom.

"The industry's proposals [to address the problems] fall short ... and our work will continue and we will look to use our full range of powers," he said.

"Be under no illusion, we will continue to focus on this area because what we saw was appalling."


Add-on insurance is provided by players such as Allianz, Suncorp and QBE. An ASIC report found car dealers earn four times more in commissions than consumers receive in claims.

Mr Medcraft also urged insurers to maintain a good culture, because a poor one could lead to dud products, misconduct and significant financial costs.

"Good culture is good for the bottom line and it is critical for firms that want to be around for the long term," he said.

"I can't help but come back to the add-on insurance ... they're not good for customers, for the reputation of the sector."

ICA's chief executive Rob Whelan said it took the concerns seriously and its members were committed to improving the design and sales process for these products.

"Initiatives ... include strengthened sales systems to identify and prevent sales to consumers who would receive little or no benefit from these products," he said.

Earlier in the day, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission said it was considering denying a proposal by 16 insurers to agree to a 20 per cent cap on commissions paid to car dealers who sell the products.

Its chairman Rod Sims said a cap didn't reduce the incentives for insurers and car dealers to sell junk insurance and address the market failures.

"The ACCC considers that the proposed cap is unlikely to result in a public benefit," he said.

"While insurers would benefit from a cap at the expense of car dealers, this conduct is likely to lessen competition between insurers, including by creating greater opportunities for explicit or tacit collusion and greater shared knowledge between insurers of competitors' costs."

At the forum, the ICA released the findings of consumer research that found about 80 per cent didn't read the legally mandated Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) because they are too complex and long.

It found consumers focused most on price rather than the policy's details.

Mr Whelan said there was a greater need for insurers to provide clear and simple information.

"If a customer doesn't understand a policy's exclusions and limits or buys the wrong level of cover, they can end up financially devastated," he said.

"For insurers, these situations create angry customers, bad publicity and costly disputes. It's in everyone's interest to avoid misunderstandings."

Mr Whelan also launched a review of the General Insurance Code of Practice, which commits insurers to mandatory standards of service above and beyond their statutory obligations.

He said the time was right with two senate inquiries scrutinising general insurance and other developments such as the Ramsay Review on external dispute resolution schemes.

Seven of the Code's 15 sections will be reviewed, including: financial hardship; complaints and disputes; and monitoring, enforcement and sanctions.

In reaction, Mr Medcraft said: "We welcome the review ... it's really important for an industry to take charge of its own future, so well done."