

Cleaning contractor at 18 Victorian public schools in wages scandal

A cleaning contractor faces an investigation into claims of "massive wage theft" spanning a large network of Victoria's government-run schools.

Pay slips, time sheets and workplace agreements seen by Fairfax Media reveal Ramos Cleaning Services is often undercutting minimum pay and conditions for cleaners by as much as $100 a week.

The Melbourne-based company holds lucrative government contracts to clean 18 public schools across the city, including Brunswick Secondary College, St Albans Secondary, Belle Vue Primary, and Sydenham-Hillside Primary School.

Last week, large-scale underpayment claims at Ramos were referred to the federal Fair Work Ombudsman and the state Education Department, which have begun inquiring.

Ramos employees are missing out on up to $5000 a year in their overall pay, documents show, because they are being denied penalty rates and other entitlements.

"Sometimes it's really tight," said one employee, who did not want to be identified.


The company pays its workers flat hourly rates of between $20 and $22, which is above the legal minimum of $18.90, but not enough to cover the shortfall in penalty rates and other allowances that they are being denied.

Many Ramos cleaners work part of their shifts before 6am or after 6pm, which, under the Cleaning Services Award, means they are entitled to penalty rates of 15 per cent extra for their entire shift.

And all staff are hired on a "permanent part-time" basis, legally entitling them to a further 15 per cent loading.

The cleaners' union, United Voice, said cleaning staff were being "ripped off in our schools - right in the state government's own backyard".


"This company is a major government contractor," secretary Jess Walsh said. "But apparently they've been getting away with massive wage theft for years."

Officials from the union investigating the company have also expressed concern about the use of "individual flexibility agreements" as a compulsory requirement of employment. The agreement contains substandard conditions and restricts new employees' sick leave to just five days a year.


Ramos Cleaning Services did not respond to requests for comment on Sunday, but has previously rejected allegations of underpaying its workers.

Fairfax Media understands there has been at least one other instance, in 2012, when the company faced intervention by the Fair Work Ombudsman over unpaid wages.

The Building Services Contractors Association recently complained that reputable firms are losing out on contracts for the cleaning of government schools because they are being "undercut on the price".

"It's becoming impossible for reputable companies who meet all their legal obligations to the schools and to the cleaners to compete," the association said.

While the engagement of cleaners is a school-based decision made by school councils, firms who want to be awarded the contracts must be registered with the Education Department's School Cleaning Panel, which assesses tenders to "ensure they meet strict standards", including on labour practices.

The department said it "would be disappointed to learn that cleaning contractors working at Victorian government schools are being underpaid".

"The Victorian government is improving the delivery of cleaning services at government schools, with the department developing options to support this," a spokeswoman said.

"Any cleaning contractors who feel they are being underpaid are encouraged to contact the department's cleaning contract unit."

More than half of all public-school cleaners who were surveyed by the cleaners' union in 2015 reported receiving below-award rates, with many staff saying they had to routinely work unpaid overtime "just to get the job done".

"Systemic award breaches" were identified at nine  of 14 schools visited in one week, according to the union report presented to the Andrews government last December. 

"A vicious price war has intensified in government-school cleaning," it said.

"Fly-by-night operators have flooded the market and pushed out reputable contractors. Many cleaners ... feel exploited and abused but are too fearful of losing their jobs to speak out."