- published: 03 May 2017
- views: 57
Virginia (i/vərˈdʒɪnjə/ vər-JIN-yə, UK /vərˈdʒɪniə/ vər-JIN-ee-ə), officially the Commonwealth of Virginia, is a state located in the South Atlantic region of the United States. Virginia is nicknamed the "Old Dominion" due to its status as the first colonial possession established in mainland British America, and "Mother of Presidents" because eight U.S. presidents were born there, more than any other state. The geography and climate of the Commonwealth are shaped by the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Chesapeake Bay, which provide habitat for much of its flora and fauna. The capital of the Commonwealth is Richmond; Virginia Beach is the most populous city, and Fairfax County is the most populous political subdivision. The Commonwealth's estimated population as of 2014 is over 8.3 million.
The area's history begins with several indigenous groups, including the Powhatan. In 1607 the London Company established the Colony of Virginia as the first permanent New World English colony. Slave labor and the land acquired from displaced Native American tribes each played a significant role in the colony's early politics and plantation economy. Virginia was one of the 13 Colonies in the American Revolution and joined the Confederacy in the American Civil War, during which Richmond was made the Confederate capital and Virginia's northwestern counties seceded to form the state of West Virginia. Although the Commonwealth was under one-party rule for nearly a century following Reconstruction, both major national parties are competitive in modern Virginia.
Carmen Tanase (born January 18, 1961) is a Romanian actress. After graduating The Drama and Film Institute from Bucharest, in 1984, she joined the company of "Vasile Alecsandri" National Theatre in Iaşi (between 1984-1990) and then moved back to the capital city of Romania. Since 1990, she is a member of the Odeon Theatre company from Bucharest. As a student, she played in Dostoevsky's The Possessed (a dramatization of the great Russian novel), in John Steinbeck's Sweet Thursday, in Butterflies, Butterflies by the Italian playwright Aldo Nicolaj (at The Very Small Theatre in Bucharest, having the legendary Romanian actress Olga Tudorache and Radu Duda, the would-be Prince of Hohenzollern-Veringen, as partners) etc. Following the fall of the Romanian communist regime, in 1989 (the end of Nicolae Ceauşescu's dictatorship), she also involved herself in the independent artistic movements that flourished after these events. She toured the world with Radu Duda, the two of them playing in A Report to an Academy, the adaptation of a short story by Franz Kafka, directed by Cristina Iovita (the play was produced by the first Romanian independent theatrical group formed after the 1989 Revolution).
John Pielmeier (born February 23, 1949) is an American playwright and screenwriter.
Pielmeier was born in Altoona, Pennsylvania, the son of Louise (Blackburn) and Len Pielmeier. He was raised Catholic. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the Catholic University of America in 1970 and a Master of Fine Arts degree from Pennsylvania State University in 1978. He began his career as an actor, working with such repertory companies as Actors Theater of Louisville and the Guthrie Theater.
In 1976, Pielmeier's first play, A Chosen Room, was produced in Minneapolis. Three years later, Agnes of God was performed in a staged reading at the O'Neill National Playwrights' Conference in Waterford, Connecticut and won the 1979 Great American Play Contest. A full production was mounted for the Humana Festival of New American Plays at the Actors Theatre of Louisville in 1980, and the Broadway production opened in March 1982 at the Music Box Theatre, where it ran for 599 performances. His screenplay for the 1985 screen adaptation earned him a nomination for the Writers Guild of America Award for Best Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium.
The Odeon Theatre (Teatrul Odeon in Romanian) is a theatre in Bucharest, Romania, located on Calea Victoriei, and is one of the best-known performing arts venues in Bucharest. As an institution, it descends from the Teatrul Muncitoresc CFR Giuleşti, founded 1946; it moved to its current location, the Sala Majestic, in 1974. In 1990, after the Romanian Revolution of 1989, the theatre changed its name from Giuleşti to Odeon. In 1993, it won the Romanian Theatre of the Year Award.
The theatre was built in 1911, and previously housed the Comedy Theatre of the Romanian National Theatre. It is part of a complex that includes a building with apartments and stores (to its north) and the Majestic Hotel (to its south).
Coordinates: 44°26′9.47″N 26°5′54.97″E / 44.4359639°N 26.0986028°E / 44.4359639; 26.0986028
Robert Burns (25 January 1759 – 21 July 1796), also known as Rabbie Burns, the Bard of Ayrshire and various other names and epithets, was a Scottish poet and lyricist. He is widely regarded as the national poet of Scotland and is celebrated worldwide. He is the best known of the poets who have written in the Scots language, although much of his writing is also in English and a light Scots dialect, accessible to an audience beyond Scotland. He also wrote in standard English, and in these writings his political or civil commentary is often at its bluntest.
He is regarded as a pioneer of the Romantic movement, and after his death he became a great source of inspiration to the founders of both liberalism and socialism, and a cultural icon in Scotland and among the Scottish diaspora around the world. Celebration of his life and work became almost a national charismatic cult during the 19th and 20th centuries, and his influence has long been strong on Scottish literature. In 2009 he was chosen as the greatest Scot by the Scottish public in a vote run by Scottish television channel STV.
Virginia Rogin despre „Vara s-a sfarsit”
Agnes, aleasa lui Dumnezeu 7
Agnes, aleasa lui Dumnezeu 2
Sunt un evadat de Elliot Robert Burns 1992 cu Emil Hossu, Virginia Rogin TEATRU RADIOFONIC POLITITST
Cum fac rost de buletin de Bucuresti
Povestea fecioarei Gudrun
Ce le pasa damelor de Peter Cheyney 1991 Dan Condurache, Mircea Albulescu TETARU RADIOFONIC POLITIST
Agnes, aleasa lui Dumnezeu 8
Agnes, aleasa lui Dumnezeu 1
Agnes, aleasa lui Dumnezeu 11
Website: http://aarc.ro/ Facebook: https://www.fb.com/allaboutromaniancinema ___ ALL ABOUT ROMANIAN CINEMA este o platformă online inițiată și finanțată de Uniunea Cineaștilor din România, dedicată exclusiv filmului românesc. AaRC.ro își propune să fie un hub de informații și funcționează în două direcții: -o bază de date - fișarea informațiilor despre cineaștii români din toate timpurile și filmele lor, după modelul IMDB (fișe cineaști, fișe filme, cronologie) și arhivarea digitală a afișelor, a cronicilor și a revistelor de film -documentarea video și scrisă a peisajului cinematografic românesc contemporan, având ca scop promovarea filmelor și evenimentelor conexe AaRC.ro se organizează în următoarele secțiuni: evenimente, interviul săptămânii, în premieră, scurtmetraj, documentar, ci...
Teatrul Odeon, Bucuresti, 2004. Autor: John Pielmeier. Regia: Marius Oltean. Distributie: Carmen Tanase (Dr. Martha Livingstone), Elvira Deatcu (Agnes), Virginia Rogin (Stareta).
Teatrul Odeon, Bucuresti, 2004. Autor: John Pielmeier. Regia: Marius Oltean. Distributie: Carmen Tanase (Dr. Martha Livingstone), Elvira Deatcu (Agnes), Virginia Rogin (Stareta).
Sunt un evadat de Elliot Robert Burns 1992 cu Emil Hossu, Virginia Rogin TEATRU RADIOFONIC POLITITST „Sunt un evdat” este o piesa excelenata, traducatorul romanului este Jul. Giurgea, acesta fiind traducatorul celor mai valoroase creatii ale literaturii contemporane (sec XX) engleze si americane – s-a aplecat asupra cartii lui Robert Elliott Burns, care a facut epoca in America perioadei interbelice. Cartea lui Burns, unica sa confesiune patetica, in care cruzimile sortii si forta dragostei, tragedia si comedia, violenta, nedreptatea si candoarea, salasluiesc armonios sub aceeasi formula da viata. „Sunt un evdat” este un roman mai mult psihologic si moral decat unul politist, asa cum a fost catalogat. Povestea este chiar cea a autorului, care in acest roman joaca rol de narator-persona...
Buletin de Bucuresti Absolventă a Facultăţii de Agronomie, Silvia așteaptă repartiţia la post, însă nu are de gând să părăsească Bucureştiul. Pentru asta trebuie să prezinte dovada că are domiciliu în Bucureşti. Caută o soluţie şi acceptă compromisul: o căsătorie formală cu un taximetrist. Radu are buletin de Bucureşti dar şi o mare nevoie de bani ca să termine facultatea mult visată. Căsătoriți, tinerii nu sunt indiferenți unul faţă de celălalt și se țese o idilă neasumată. Când apar socrii, se iscă tot felul de încurcături, aşa că se hotărăşte divorţul. Colac peste pupăză, fata primește repartiția undeva la ţară, departe de capitală. Silvia îşi ia postul în primire şi se integrează în viaţa satului. După un timp, reuşeşte să se acomodeze cu oamenii şi locurile. Interpreți: CATRINEL DUMI...
Ce le pasa damelor de Peter Cheyney 1991 Dan Condurache, Dana Dogaru, Gabriela Popescu, Mircea Albulescu TETARU RADIOFONIC POLITIST DISTRIBUTIA: Dan Condurache, Dana Dogaru, Gabriela Popescu, Mircea Albulescu, Theodor Danetti, Silviu Stanculescu, Mihai Niculescu, Serban Cellea, Virginia Rogin, Ruxandra Traducerea: Sergiu Marcus. Adaptarea si regia artistica: Leonard Popovici. Sireteanu, Violeta Berbiu. Regia muzicala: Romeo Chelaru. Inregistrare din anul 1991. Ce le pasa damelor de Peter Cheyney TEATRU RADIOFONIC POLITIST Nikolay TEATRU RADIOFONIC YOUTUBE Channel
Teatrul Odeon, Bucuresti, 2004. Autor: John Pielmeier. Regia: Marius Oltean. Distributie: Carmen Tanase (Dr. Martha Livingstone), Elvira Deatcu (Agnes), Virginia Rogin (Stareta).
Teatrul Odeon, Bucuresti, 2004. Autor: John Pielmeier. Regia: Marius Oltean. Distributie: Carmen Tanase (Dr. Martha Livingstone), Elvira Deatcu (Agnes), Virginia Rogin (Stareta).
Teatrul Odeon, Bucuresti, 2004. Autor: John Pielmeier. Regia: Marius Oltean. Distributie: Carmen Tanase (Dr. Martha Livingstone), Elvira Deatcu (Agnes), Virginia Rogin (Stareta).
Planning to visit Virginia? Check out our Virginia Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Virginia. Best Places to visit in Virginia: Busch Gardens Williamsburg, Colonial Williamsburg, Monticello, Virginia Aquarium, Shenandoah National Park, Mount Vernon, Jamestown Settlement, Maymont, Shenandoah Valley, Cape Henry Lighthouse, Water Country USA, Luray Caverns Subscribe to Social Bubble: https://www.youtube.com/c/SocialBubbleNashik?sub_confirmation=1 To go to the USA Travel Guide playlist go to: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3wNXIKi7sz3e9xGxBpwf2hUGHWVQTsdv Follow us on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+SocialBubbleNashik Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/socialbubble Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/@SocialBubbleIn This Video is Cre...
Best Places Channel | Virginia Top and Best Destinations. Vist our website: http://bestlocations.weebly.com/ Visit our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/BestLocationstoVisit/ Places to visit in 2017. Top Destinations in Virginia. Amazing Destinations in Virginia. Best places to visit in Virginia. Travel Guide. Travel Destinations 2017. Travel Destinations in Summer. Summer Destinations. Best places to visit in Virginia. Top 10 place in Virginia. Top 10 place to visit in Virginia. Tourist Spots in Virginia. Virginia Tourist Spots. Virginia Tourist Destinations. Must see places in Virginia. Places to go to in Virginia. Things to do in Virginia. Virginia Travel Guide. Amazing places in Virginia. Places to visit in January. Places to visit in February. Places to visit in March. Places ...
Travelers who are passionate about preserving and protecting the environment are checking into Virginia Green.
http://ultramodern-home.ru Top Tourist Attractions in Virginia Beach - Travel Guide: Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge, Cape Henry Lighthouse, Captain Jack's Pirate Ship Adventures, First Landing State Park, King Neptune Statue, Military Aviation Museum, Ocean Breeze Waterpark, Old Coast Guard Station, The Adventure Park, Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center, Virginia Beach Fishing Pier
I've been all over the world except for my nations capital! This all changes when I hop a plane from San Diego to Washington D.C. and meet one of my closest friends Mekaela and adventure around the DMV area! For those that don't know what DMV stands for it's DC, Maryland, Virginia area! We visit historial landmarks like the White House, World War II Monument, the National Monument, the Lincoln Memorial and Ford Theatre where Abraham Lincoln got Assassinated. Also follow us while we eat are way from San Diego's airport to the east coast! It's time to get patriotic Jaycationers! Jay Jay's Social Media: Blog: onjaycation.com or jaycation.wordpress.com YouTube: youtube.com/jayjaymaniquis Facebook: facebook.com/jaycation Twitter: @Jaydaheat Snapchat/Instagram: jaydaheat Yelp: http://jaydaheat....
Virginia is a state rich with history that stretches from the Appalachian Mountains up to the Chesapeake Bay. Old Dominion is also home to some of the nation's most beautiful landscapes, presidential homes, and, of course, horses. Want to see more Southern Living videos? Subscribe to our channel! - http://goo.gl/JJ5WqY In 1966, Southern Living was created to highlight the beauty and culture of the growing South. In the decades since its inception, Southern Living, published monthly, has become one of the largest lifestyle magazines in the country. With characteristic Southern hospitality, Southern Living is committed to sharing the region we love with our readers, no matter where they may live. Subscribe to Southern Living Magazine: http://www.southernliving.com/subscribe Like us on Fac...
In this video, I share five of my favorite things to do in Virginia. WEBSITE: http://carmenshields.com BLOG: https://quirkyyetdaring.wordpress.com TWITTER: http://twitter.com/wondershields FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/TheCoolCarmenYT INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/carmenshields FLICKR: http://flickr.com/photos/sonicimac Busch Gardens Photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bholl7510/9315369778
http://www.woltersworld.com What to see and do in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia and the surrounding area. From fantastic interpreters to historic buildings to living history to amusement parks, Williamsburg has something for everyone. Here we have what to see, do, love and hate about Williamsburg. Filmed in Williamsburg, Virginia Copyright Mark Wolters
Planning to visit West Virginia? Check out our West Virginia Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in West Virginia. Best Places to visit in West Virginia: New River Gorge Bridge, Harpers Ferry National Historical Park, Cass Scenic Railroad State Park, The Greenbrier, West Virginia State Penitentiary, Canaan Valley, Seneca Caverns, Hawks Nest State Park, Pearl S. Buck Birthplace, Summersville Lake, Prickett's Fort State Park, Stonewall Jackson Lake State Park Subscribe to Social Bubble: https://www.youtube.com/c/SocialBubbleNashik?sub_confirmation=1 To go to the USA Travel Guide playlist go to: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3wNXIKi7sz3e9xGxBpwf2hUGHWVQTsdv Follow us on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+SocialBubbleNashik Follow us on Facebook: https://www.fa...
This episode is in Richmond, VA where we both try to “blend in” by experiencing our beautiful South. Maybe our accents got in the way, but James gets to go to one of his favorite destinations that turns out to be something completely different than what he expected, while Mark gets to see one of his biggest (weirdest) dreams come true! Maybe we should have gotten a tour guide for this one because we get, well… very lost.
Our latest episode is set in Richmond, VA where we both try to “blend in” by experiencing our beautiful South. Maybe our accents got in the way, but I get to go to one of my favorite destinations that turns out to be something completely different than what I expected, while Mark Devine gets to see one of his biggest (weirdest) dreams come true! Maybe we should have gotten a tour guide for this one because we get, well… very lost. See what happens next...
Sailing writer and charter skipper, Wally Moran gives you the information you need to successfully and safely transit the Intracoastal Waterway from Norfolk, Virgina to Oriental, North Carolina. The package includes the main 36 minute video with a bonus slide-audio section about the Erie Canal to the Chesapeake Bay; a PDF of Wally's Boat Show slide presentation; and NOAA digital charts of the ICW. To purchase and for more info, visit http://www.thesailingchannel.tv/icw/
The Hunt, Maasai Mara, Kenya, November 5, 2011. We left our lodge early this morning to catch some of the activity that occurs from just before sunset to just after sunrise. We were lucky to see a lioness on the hunt. What was amazing to me was how she completely ignored the safari vehicles that were around her. We had seen this before with a leopard on the Serengeti. We were just part of the landscape. However, our guides told us that attitude would quickly change if anyone chose to leave their vehicles. Hence the prohibition on people leaving their vehicles while in the park. I recorded this hunt for nearly half an hour, and boiled it down to the four-and-a-half minutes you see here. As all good hunters, this lion was extremely patient, and as you can see, very intense and all busine...
Re-Membering Our Prodigals Rev. Mike Lamson May 6, 2012 Thank you. Wow, what a warm welcome. It’s an amazing feeling to be up here and see this. When I was asked to give the sermon by our senior pastor, I realized as I thought about it that this will be the fifth sermon I’ve ever given in my life. Can you imagine? I’ve always been the kind of person who looks for the talents that people have, and I want to support other people in bringing out those talents. So it was quite a shock for me when I realized I’m going to be the one up at this podium this time. Good morning and welcome to Lovin’Life Ministries at the beautiful Manhattan Center in New York City. I must say that things look a lot different from up here. I think all of you should try this sometime. I want to thank everyone from...
Game drives in Amboseli N.P., Kenya, October 31 to November 2, 2011. Like Tarangire N.P. in Tanzania, this park is known for its elephant herds. In this video, we watch elephant herds moving from nighttime/early morning feeding areas to one of the two swamps in the park, where they cool off in the hot sun. As well, we watch an elephant carcass being fed on by a host of scavengers. The video also captures some images of ostrich, spotted hyena, and of course, zebra and wildebeest. AHI Travel Group: alumni from the universities of Alberta, Cornell and Virginia Tech. We thank our guide/driver, Kamanga for sharing his knowledge and instructing us in the proper words to use for groups of animals.
Gloria Powell Food Host Reel | Gloria Powell is a Travel Host & Founder of the local Travel Guide & Web-Series On The Go With Glo. The series features fun things to do, see and eat in Virginia & Washington DC and wherever else our adventures lead! Gloria hopes that her series inspires others to "travel like a local" in their hometown or abroad and realize that you don't always have to hop on a plane to find hidden gems - sometimes they're right in your backyard!
Ang Palansak: The Collective" is inspired by the powerful, yet widely neglected importance of the human mindset. As a community, we dream of using this mindset in order to develop a new culture we can call our own... a culture where we are all driven and motivated by the collective in order to rise to our full potential. Conveyed through dramatic poetry, comedy, and distinctive characters, this story takes place within the fantastical universe of the Perplexins. A fellow Perplexin, Ava Montenegro is passive, irresponsible, and unappreciative. However, behind closed doors, she demonstrates the potential to become something more through her creative and brutally honest spoken words. As Ava receives an unexpected phone call of her Nanay's sudden disappearance, she is forced to travel to the B...
Game drives into the Tarangire N.P., Tanzania, October 30-31, 2011. This park is known for its elephant herds. In this video, I show some of the amazing elephant behavior we observed: a mother elephant and her 2-year old find and tear out roots in the ground--demonstrating the versatility of their trunks; the feeding behavior of the elephants; the destruction the elephants cause to trees, which is a problem with the increasing size of the herds in these parks. The trees with the big trunks are the baobab, which has evolved to resist elephant destructive behavior. The video also captures some images of yet more sleeping lions, and banded mongoose. AHI Travel Group: alumni from the universities of Alberta, Cornell and Virginia Tech. We thank our guide/driver, Nuru Naibety for sharing hi...
Website: http://aarc.ro/ Facebook: https://www.fb.com/allaboutromaniancinema ___ ALL ABOUT ROMANIAN CINEMA este o platformă online inițiată și finanțată de Uniunea Cineaștilor din România, dedicată exclusiv filmului românesc. AaRC.ro își propune să fie un hub de informații și funcționează în două direcții: -o bază de date - fișarea informațiilor despre cineaștii români din toate timpurile și filmele lor, după modelul IMDB (fișe cineaști, fișe filme, cronologie) și arhivarea digitală a afișelor, a cronicilor și a revistelor de film -documentarea video și scrisă a peisajului cinematografic românesc contemporan, având ca scop promovarea filmelor și evenimentelor conexe AaRC.ro se organizează în următoarele secțiuni: evenimente, interviul săptămânii, în premieră, scurtmetraj, documentar, ci...
Teatrul Odeon, Bucuresti, 2004. Autor: John Pielmeier. Regia: Marius Oltean. Distributie: Carmen Tanase (Dr. Martha Livingstone), Elvira Deatcu (Agnes), Virginia Rogin (Stareta).
Teatrul Odeon, Bucuresti, 2004. Autor: John Pielmeier. Regia: Marius Oltean. Distributie: Carmen Tanase (Dr. Martha Livingstone), Elvira Deatcu (Agnes), Virginia Rogin (Stareta).
Sunt un evadat de Elliot Robert Burns 1992 cu Emil Hossu, Virginia Rogin TEATRU RADIOFONIC POLITITST „Sunt un evdat” este o piesa excelenata, traducatorul romanului este Jul. Giurgea, acesta fiind traducatorul celor mai valoroase creatii ale literaturii contemporane (sec XX) engleze si americane – s-a aplecat asupra cartii lui Robert Elliott Burns, care a facut epoca in America perioadei interbelice. Cartea lui Burns, unica sa confesiune patetica, in care cruzimile sortii si forta dragostei, tragedia si comedia, violenta, nedreptatea si candoarea, salasluiesc armonios sub aceeasi formula da viata. „Sunt un evdat” este un roman mai mult psihologic si moral decat unul politist, asa cum a fost catalogat. Povestea este chiar cea a autorului, care in acest roman joaca rol de narator-persona...
Buletin de Bucuresti Absolventă a Facultăţii de Agronomie, Silvia așteaptă repartiţia la post, însă nu are de gând să părăsească Bucureştiul. Pentru asta trebuie să prezinte dovada că are domiciliu în Bucureşti. Caută o soluţie şi acceptă compromisul: o căsătorie formală cu un taximetrist. Radu are buletin de Bucureşti dar şi o mare nevoie de bani ca să termine facultatea mult visată. Căsătoriți, tinerii nu sunt indiferenți unul faţă de celălalt și se țese o idilă neasumată. Când apar socrii, se iscă tot felul de încurcături, aşa că se hotărăşte divorţul. Colac peste pupăză, fata primește repartiția undeva la ţară, departe de capitală. Silvia îşi ia postul în primire şi se integrează în viaţa satului. După un timp, reuşeşte să se acomodeze cu oamenii şi locurile. Interpreți: CATRINEL DUMI...
Ce le pasa damelor de Peter Cheyney 1991 Dan Condurache, Dana Dogaru, Gabriela Popescu, Mircea Albulescu TETARU RADIOFONIC POLITIST DISTRIBUTIA: Dan Condurache, Dana Dogaru, Gabriela Popescu, Mircea Albulescu, Theodor Danetti, Silviu Stanculescu, Mihai Niculescu, Serban Cellea, Virginia Rogin, Ruxandra Traducerea: Sergiu Marcus. Adaptarea si regia artistica: Leonard Popovici. Sireteanu, Violeta Berbiu. Regia muzicala: Romeo Chelaru. Inregistrare din anul 1991. Ce le pasa damelor de Peter Cheyney TEATRU RADIOFONIC POLITIST Nikolay TEATRU RADIOFONIC YOUTUBE Channel
Teatrul Odeon, Bucuresti, 2004. Autor: John Pielmeier. Regia: Marius Oltean. Distributie: Carmen Tanase (Dr. Martha Livingstone), Elvira Deatcu (Agnes), Virginia Rogin (Stareta).
Teatrul Odeon, Bucuresti, 2004. Autor: John Pielmeier. Regia: Marius Oltean. Distributie: Carmen Tanase (Dr. Martha Livingstone), Elvira Deatcu (Agnes), Virginia Rogin (Stareta).
Teatrul Odeon, Bucuresti, 2004. Autor: John Pielmeier. Regia: Marius Oltean. Distributie: Carmen Tanase (Dr. Martha Livingstone), Elvira Deatcu (Agnes), Virginia Rogin (Stareta).
Sunt un evadat de Elliot Robert Burns 1992 cu Emil Hossu, Virginia Rogin TEATRU RADIOFONIC POLITITST „Sunt un evdat” este o piesa excelenata, traducatorul romanului este Jul. Giurgea, acesta fiind traducatorul celor mai valoroase creatii ale literaturii contemporane (sec XX) engleze si americane – s-a aplecat asupra cartii lui Robert Elliott Burns, care a facut epoca in America perioadei interbelice. Cartea lui Burns, unica sa confesiune patetica, in care cruzimile sortii si forta dragostei, tragedia si comedia, violenta, nedreptatea si candoarea, salasluiesc armonios sub aceeasi formula da viata. „Sunt un evdat” este un roman mai mult psihologic si moral decat unul politist, asa cum a fost catalogat. Povestea este chiar cea a autorului, care in acest roman joaca rol de narator-persona...
Din distribuţie: Ovidiu Iuliu Moldovan, Constantin Codrescu, Sanda Toma, Mirela Gorea, Lucia Mureşan, Andreea Măcelaru, Irina Movilă, Mihai Dinvale, Virginia Mirea, Florin Anton, Adina Popescu, Crina Mureşan, Valentin Uritescu, Virginia Rogin, Ion Chelaru, Sorin Gheorghiu, Alfred Demetriu, Lucia Maier, Anne-Marie Ziegler, Nicolae Stângaciu, Tudor Heica
Ce le pasa damelor de Peter Cheyney 1991 Dan Condurache, Dana Dogaru, Gabriela Popescu, Mircea Albulescu TETARU RADIOFONIC POLITIST DISTRIBUTIA: Dan Condurache, Dana Dogaru, Gabriela Popescu, Mircea Albulescu, Theodor Danetti, Silviu Stanculescu, Mihai Niculescu, Serban Cellea, Virginia Rogin, Ruxandra Traducerea: Sergiu Marcus. Adaptarea si regia artistica: Leonard Popovici. Sireteanu, Violeta Berbiu. Regia muzicala: Romeo Chelaru. Inregistrare din anul 1991. Ce le pasa damelor de Peter Cheyney TEATRU RADIOFONIC POLITIST Nikolay TEATRU RADIOFONIC YOUTUBE Channel
Harta mortii de Stefan Berciu 1997 cu Silviu Stanculescu, Emil Hossu, Ion Pavlescu TEATRU RADIOFONIC POLITIST Harta mortii de Stefan Berciu 1997 DISTRIBUTIA: Silviu Stanculescu, Emil Hossu, Ion Pavlescu, Alfred Demetriu, Dorina Lazar, Monica Ghiuta, Mihai Mereuta, Razvan Vasilescu, Mitica Popescu, Virginia Mirea, Nicolae Pomoje, Radu Panamarenco, Dumitru Chesa, Eusebiu Stefanescu, Eugen Cristea, Elena Nica Dumitrescu, Virginia Rogin, Val Teodosiu, Sorin Gheorghiu. Regia artistica: Dan Puican. Redactor: Georgeta Raboj. Regia de studio: Janina Dicu. Regia muzicala: Nicolae Neagoe. Regia tehnica: ing. Vasile Manta. Harta mortii de Stefan Berciu TEATRU RADIOFONIC POLITIST Nikolay TEATRU RADIOFONIC YOUTUBE Channel
Paradisul de Horia Lovinescu 1990 cu Emil Hossu, Dana Dogaru, Mircea Albulescu TEATRU RADIOFONIC SF DISTRIBUTIA: Emil Hossu, Dana Dogaru, Mihai Dinvale, Virginia Rogin, Mircea Albulescu, Ion Pavlescu, Ion Chelaru, Stefan Velniciuc, Petre Lupu, Petre Moraru, George Oancea, Eugen Cristea. N. Luchian Botez, Alexandrina Halic, Nicolae Calugarita, Paul Chiributa. Adaptare radiofonica de Georgeta Raboj. Regia artistica: Leonard Popovici. Regia de studio: Janina Dicu. Regia muzicala: Nicolae Neagoe. Regia tehnica: ing. Vasile Manta. Inregistrare din anul 1990. Paradisul de Horia Lovinescu 1990 TEATRU RADIOFONIC SF Nikolay TEATRU RADIOFONIC YOUTUBE Channel
În distribuţie: Mircea Albulescu, Virgil Ogăşanu, Dana Dogaru, Mitică Popescu, Dorina Lazăr, Petre Lupu, Virginia Rogin, Mihai Fotino, Virginia Mirea, Tamara Buciuceanu, Şerban Celea, Victor Rebengiuc, Mariana Mihuţ, Ruxandra Şirteanu, Marian Hudac, Jeanine Stavarache, Eugen Cristea, Lucia Maier, Sorin Gheorghiu, Petre Dinuliu, George Grigore, Candid Stoica, Tudor Heica, Ion Hodarcă, Petronela Lazăr, Daniela Ioniţă, Violeta Berbiuc, Gheorghe Pufulete.
O greseala de chimie de William Faulkner 1969 Nicolae Luchian-Botez, Emil Liptac, Boris Ciornei TEATRU RADIOFONIC POLITIST DISTRIBUTIA: Nicolae Luchian-Botez, Emil Liptac, Boris Ciornei, Mihai Heroveanu, Alexandru Azoitei. Dramatizarea radiofonica: N. David. Regia artistica: Cristian Munteanu. Regia de studio: Constantin Botez. Regia muzicala: Romeo Chelaru. Regia tehnica: Ion Mihailescu. Inregistrare din anul 1969 O greseala de chimie de William Faulkner TEATRU RADIOFONIC POLITIST Nikolay TEATRU RADIOFONIC YOUTUBE Channel