
Axing negative gearing would boost economy and home ownership, RBA conference paper finds

Thirty per cent of rental properties would be freed up and bought by Australians who would have otherwise rented.

Peter Martin: The gang crime our leaders help create.

What is it about the African gang crisis that's so disturbingly familiar?

Peter Martin: Worried the electricity system won't keep up over summer? Worry about coal, seriously.

Worried the electricity system won't keep up over summer? Worry about coal, seriously.

Peter Martin: Why Treasury thought Turnbull was wrong on negative gearing

Malcolm Turnbull knew or ought to have known that the claims he made about Labor's housing policy were likely to be wrong.

COMMENT. Of course Christmas is inefficient, it's why we love it

It’s about celebrating waste, just once a year, in order to be truly human

More money, but nowhere near enough to fund tax cuts
Me, on MYEFO

Scott Morrison wants you believe the budget's strong enough to fund tax cuts. It isn't, as the update makes that clear.

Free yourself, abandon Facebook

The virtual world eliminates the common ground that draws real communities together.

Peter Martin: The jobs boom is real, and for once, government can take the credit.

The Bureau of Statistics has produced some shockers - wildly inaccurate employment statistics it has had to disown, but not this time.

An entire year without a pay rise? Prepare for another one, now.

Another year without a pay rise? Prepare for yet another one, next year.

EXCLUSIVE. As big as Bolte. Government projects pushing up costs, creating skills shortages, Treasurer says:

So big is Melbourne's infrastructure boom that Treasurer Tim Pallas fears Victoria will run low on skills and resources such as gravel.

EXCLUSIVE. Private schools set to get more than 100% of their needs from public funds, documents reveal

Catholic and independent private schools are set to get more than 100 per cent of their needs from governments under the Turnbull government's new 'Gonski 2.0' plan, official documents show.

Better than the Olympics. The economic benefits of same sex marriage

Why are the experts so sure there will be benefits from allowing same-sex marriage?

So now they can afford a tax cut?

Includes bonus table

So now they can afford a tax cut? Just months ago they had to push tax rates up.

State GDP. Sydney powers the nation, accounting for almost half of Australia's economic growth.

Sydney has become Australia's economic powerhouse, accounting for 41 per cent of the nation's economic growth.

State GDP. Melbourne living standards slip, as manufacturing slides to record low

Melbourne is no longer Australia's manufacturing capital, and living standards are going backwards.

The Fair Work Commission is responsible for much of the gap between male and female wages, a landmark study has found

The Fair Work Commission is responsible for much of the gap between male and female wages, a landmark study has found.

Father-son economists Geoff and Tim Harcourt: 'We have coffee or lunch every day'.

“Airport economist” Tim Harcourt teaches at the University of NSW alongside his dad, leading economic theorist Geoff Harcourt.