Welcome to our Tumblr! Media Matters is dedicated to monitoring, analyzing & correcting conservative misinformation in the media.
Yes, terrorism is underreported. Right-wing terrorism, that is.
Yes, terrorism is underreported. Right-wing terrorism, that is.

Yes, terrorism is underreported. Right-wing terrorism, that is.

Countless journalists called out Trump’s outright lies about terror attacks being undercovered, while Fox said it was “checking to see.”

Sean Spicer has proven he’s going to regularly lie. Stop giving him a platform to misinform the public on live TV.

So she completely made up a “massacre” to fearmonger about refugees, blamed the media for not covering it, and then said she misspoke and linked to where the media actually did cover what she ‘meant to say’!? The press should not believe anything the White House tells them–ever.

Rather than focusing on why Trump is lashing out at CNN, a better question to ask is: Why does the Trump administration feel so comfortable with NBC and MSNBC?

America is a melting pot that serves as a haven for people fleeing tyranny and oppression elsewhere. 

Far too often, the news treats refugees and Muslims as potential terrorists – and not as human beings fleeing oppression and war.

There is literally no honest debate to be had on this point. Voter fraud is not, and never has been, a systemic problem in modern American history. Anyone who tells you differently is lying.