- published: 09 Nov 2016
- views: 17945
IHL may refer to:
International humanitarian law (IHL) is the law that regulates the conduct of armed conflict (jus in bello). It is that branch of international law which seeks to limit the effects of armed conflict by protecting persons who are not participating in hostilities, and by restricting and regulating the means and methods of warfare available to combatants. IHL is inspired by considerations of humanity and the mitigation of human suffering. "It comprises a set of rules, established by treaty or custom, that seeks to protect persons and property/objects that are (or may be) affected by armed conflict and limits the rights of parties to a conflict to use methods and means of warfare of their choice". It includes "the Geneva Conventions and the Hague Conventions, as well as subsequent treaties, case law, and customary international law." It defines the conduct and responsibilities of belligerent nations, neutral nations, and individuals engaged in warfare, in relation to each other and to protected persons, usually meaning non-combatants. It is designed to balance humanitarian concerns and military necessity, and subjects warfare to the rule of law by limiting its destructive effect and mitigating human suffering.
IHL - "No sabe quien" [Official Music Video] album La Renovacion Edited by Circovisuales . Official Fanpage /IHL-656730754482450/ instagram : /ivanhernanlujan/ Contrataciones : 011 1524509914
People have always used violence to settle disputes. And all cultures have always had the idea that there have to be limits on that violence, if we are to prevent wars from descending into barbarity. For instance, there are rules protecting non-participants, prisoners and the wounded. These rules are set out in international humanitarian law. Yes, even wars have limits. And attacking civilians constitutes a war crime. Today, as we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the original Geneva Convention, we call on all parties to all conflicts to preserve what it means to be human, by complying with international humanitarian law. You can help by sharing this video, which explains the basics of international humanitarian law. “Rules of War in a Nutshell” Script Since the beginning, humans have r...
Is international humanitarian law up to the job of protecting the people affected by modern-day armed conflicts? This film looks in turns at the poor security conditions frequently confronting the civilian population, the fact that people often have to flee their homes, hostage-taking, the dangers posed by cluster munitions, and the work of preventing and, punishing war crimes. It tells us the basic rules of the law and reminds us that respecting them is everyone's responsibility. http://www.icrc.org
IHL And J one "No se vaya" [Official Music Video] Official Fanpage /IHL-656730754482450/ instagram : /ivanhernanlujan/ Contrataciones : 011 1524509914 Grabado & Masterizado en La Terraza Estudio Edited by Circovisuales .
Hacé click para tener siempre la mejor cumbia! http://goo.gl/cZTexZ Escuchalo en Spotify!
As conflicts are becoming greater in complexity and more atrocious in the human suffering they cause, how can military commanders ensure their operations remain within the confines of international humanitarian law (IHL)? Where do we stand with regard to translating IHL into coherent operational guidance and rules of engagement that are not only legally accurate, but also relevant and effective in contemporary armed conflicts? More information: http://blogs.icrc.org/law-and-policy/2016/09/15/translating-ihl-military-operations/
Lesson 1: General Introduction to International Humanitarian Law (IHL): Definitions and Fields of Application
IHL and Humanitarian principles The Advanced IHL Learning Series are addressed to lecturers and trainers who wish to update their knowledge of the latest developments and challenges in international humanitarian law (IHL) and other related areas. They enable lecturers to update and deepen their expertise in topical issues, have access to teaching resources and introduce the topics in their course or training. What are the respective aims of IHL and the humanitarian principles? What are their sources? Who are they addressed to? Does IHL refer to the principles? What is the normative framework governing relief operations? How can the principles help foster respect for IHL? This Advanced IHL Learning Series provides lecturers with a wide range of resources to understand and teach these issu...
Crowd trouble from the Orlando Solar Bears at Detroit Vipers IHL game on Dec 02, 1997.
Wakker om half vijf, weer nen halven dag voorbij
(fucking houten kop)
De kater zit vooral opzij
Lange nachten, waarschijnlijk was ik behoorlijk scheef
Misschien was het plezant, maar mijn geheugen is een zeef
Ik heb mijn oude gewoonte weeral volledig terug
En mensen merken het, ze praten achter mijne rug
'K ben als ne gokker die den helft al verloren heeft
(blijven gaan)
Precies alsof ik morgen nie meer leef
Alsof ik nie meer aan u denk ik mis u pokkehard
Da single-zijn heeft mij genekt vanaf de fucking start
Ik weet nie waarom ik feest, waarom ik niks stuur
Waarom ik uitgezogen naar een volle ?
En ik hoor de stemmen terug van gisterennacht
"Hij is zo irritant, hij is weer iets te zat"
Ik fuck het op, ik fuck het op
En vanavond ben ik fris, dan doen ik het weer
Party all night, drie uur en ik lig al neer
Ik fuck het op...
Zonder een noodkreet, zonder een teken
Ik heb u plots in een bevlieging weggesmeten
En 'k heb u laten liggen da was weeral heel stoer
Maar toen de deur dicht sloeg kneep het mijn keel toe
Nu heb ik tegenslag, stroppen zien ik heel den dag
Nu zen ik het die zit te sturen of ik toesteken mag
Ik krijg ne "fuck you, nu komd'op de proppen"
En die shit is zo waar maar toch kan ik het nie verkroppen
Ik lig te stinken in mijn bed, ik kom voor niks deruit
Ik zien gebouwen en bruggen als ik mijn ogen sluit
En 't is nie meer dan redelijk da 'k in de hel ben
Maar ik wil iemand slagen precies alsof ik het zelf ben
En ik kan nummers vol zagen maar het is te laat
Ge moet van u af bijten, 't was mijn eigen raad
Ik fuck het op, ik fuck het op
Waarschijnlijk slaan ik morgen door en dan bel ik u weer
Vier keer voicemail en dan leg ik neer