
  1. Labor drafting Murray-Darling Basin Plan changes to deliver extra environmental water

    The Federal Opposition is drafting Murray-Darling Basin Plan amendments, to guarantee delivery an extra 450 gigalitres of water for the environment.

  2. Heat provides headaches for SA Riverland roses amid busy Valentine's period

    Riverland rose growers are looking to jump on the popularity of vodka after warm weather throws a Valentine's curveball.

  1. Exporting knowledge

    Agricultural knowledge could become Australia's next big export alongside coal and wool.

  2. Worrying 'anti-science'

    A former UK chief scientist warns that in an era of 'anti-science', politicians are ignoring scientific evidence.

  3. The good, the bad, the ugly

    Southern WA sheep producers are emerging as one of the hardest-hit in recent flooding.

  4. Irrigators turn to solar

    Farmers make the switch to solar powered irrigation to reduce power costs.

  5. Farm land off the table

    A Queensland rural lobby group says farming land should never be forcefully acquired.

  6. Farm electricity woes

    Farmers say power supply has become more unreliable as it has become more expensive.

  7. Keeping headers cool

    Two farmers come up with a way to keep headers cool and reduce harvest fire risk.

  8. Hot grapes kept cool

    Queensland grapes are watered around the clock as abnormally hot weather tests fruit.

Rural Life

  1. 'Amaizing' maize maze

    This paddock of maize in Tasmania has been shaped into a maze for the kids.

  2. Now, that's a knife

    Professional crocodile catcher speaks fondly of his 31-year-old life-saving hunting knife.

  3. Naughty natives

    Australian native animals are loved across the globe, but their private mating can be extremely wild.

  4. Noeline Ikin farewelled

    The Gulf country in far north Queensland is mourning the loss of an inspirational woman, Noeline Ikin.

  5. Windmills solar switch

    A Central Australian cattle station has swapped its windmills for a more modern and efficient technology.

  6. NSW's hottest towns

    How do you cope with the heat when you're in one of the hottest towns in Australia?

  7. Urban farming in Whyalla

    Whyalla family sources all their own fresh food thanks to an aquaponics system set up in their backyard.

  8. Roper River 'highway'

    Remote communities make the most of the Roper River "highway" during the wet season.

Best Rural Photos


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