
Value Capture Verve


Prosper’s recent value capture submission answered pressing questions, an indication of how deeply the Department of Infrastructure is considering this vital funding mechanism. Read the department’s Value Capture discussion paper for an insight into their understanding. Value Capture submission Infrastructure Investment Division Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development February 2017 About Prosper Prosper Australia is […]

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Next time government says it can’t afford to build, wave this IA report in their face


Australia has a problem: we can’t build roads, rail and schools as fast as population is growing with current government financing methods. Failing to keep up with our current needs – let alone investing for an uncertain future – puts the living standards of everyone at risk. We and our ancestors worked very hard to […]

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True Grit: leadership, political backbone and advancing the national interest


The worst tax we pay is a state charge – conveyancing Stamp Duty, which makes it hard, sometimes impossible, to move across town to a better job or around the corner to a bigger or smaller home. Anyone living with modern teenagers and the elderly in a house of many steps or plentiful weeds know […]

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Retiring to live on the fat of the land may not be possible – rents are falling


CoreLogic’s Quarterly Review of the residential property market released yesterday brings sobering news for land holders – particularly Australia’s 1.2 million strong Negatively Geared investor class. Rents are falling. Source: CoreLogic CoreLogic’s Tim Lawless observes: “Rental incomes are falling across the combined capital cities in the midst of the weakest rental market on record. A […]

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Seize the Day, Scott Morrison – rid Australia of a bad tax and free up the land


The land supply equation in Australia – flashing red danger signals for years – has finally come to the attention of federal Treasurer Scott Morrison, who is charged with the task of advancing national prosperity. He may even be prompted into action. Notoriously well-connected Alan Mitchell is out today in the AFR with the latest […]

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REIA contradicts itself on negative-gearing policy (updated)


Further to my post of 21 May, I note that the Real Estate Institute of Australia (REIA) is now making two contradictory claims on Labor’s negative-gearing policy. In mid May, the REIA launched its campaign claiming that if negative gearing for future purchasers is allowed only for new homes, rents will rise, because: (a) investors, including investors […]

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Challenging the banks


The Bernie Sanders-Hillary Clinton contest in the debates for Democratic Party presidential nominee is paring back to whether Main Street should challenge the Big End of Town. Sanders has questioned Clinton’s judgment at least, in accepting $225,000 to speak approvingly to Goldman Sachs’ directors. Her responses on the question to Sanders have been unconvincing. Behind […]

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If you’re not a property investor, your retirement plans don’t matter, says IPA


by Dr Gavin Putland Professor Sinclair Davidson for the Institute of Public Affairs has written an “occasional paper” under the title “What politicians need to know about negative gearing”, opposing the known Labor policy of allowing negative gearing only for new homes (with grandfathering), and the possible Coalition policy of imposing some sort of cap […]

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Rezoning in Queensland rife for further investigation


If only 4 Corners was edgy enough to cover this important work, because as Fairfax’s Michael Pascoe said, this research should be triggering a royal commission. Cross-posted from Cameron Murray’s Fresh Economic Thinking blog How to get your land rezoned: A QLD story My previous research looked at favouritism in land rezoning via the Urban Land Development […]

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A GST hike will hurt everyone. Everyone.


The AFR’s economics editor Alan Mitchell has taken a Treasury briefing. He is out this morning offering all sorts of reasons why a broader, higher GST is a brilliant master-stroke that deserves universal applause. He knows, we all know, a Goods and Services Tax is regressive and unfair. Citizens earning up to $100,000 will need […]

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