Letters to the Editor

Canberra Land Lease reform


Canberra Times March 17, 2013 Christopher Erskine (Time for a new lease on life, March 9, p7) is correct that it was the writings of American political economist Henry George that inspired Canberra’s founders to put in place a leasehold system of land tenure. It was envisaged by many, including Walter Burley Griffin, that land […]

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Funding Infrastructure


Letter to the Editor The Age 24/07/2012 Using the uplift in private land values to fund infrastructure projects (Doncaster railway line ‘could be built for $840m) is one of the recommendations of the Ken Henry review of taxes that was immediately abandoned by the federal government. Such a reform would threaten the windfall profits of […]

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Empty homes, empty claims


27/01/2012 Letter to the editor The Age How are the real estate spruikers going to explain away Melbourne’s reported rental vacancy rate of 4.4% (“Melbourne Full of Empty Homes” Age 26/1/12)? Developer lobbyists were crying for new land releases when vacancy rates were low to provide affordable (read “isolated and without infrastructure”) housing, so what’s […]

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Moonee Valley Council’s three strikes


21 Nov 2011 Moonee Valley Leader Council’s three strikes HINDSIGHT (‘‘Cinema plan stalled’’, Leader, November 14) has confirmed what we suspected at the time: the first mistake by the former Moonee Valley Council commissioners was to close the Moonee Ponds Market. We lost fresh food retail variety. Their second mistake was to sell the market […]

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Land Tax REDUCES Rents


Dr Gavin Putland of the Land Values Research Group drives a stake through a vampire heart in the Letters page of today’s Australian Financial Review Joanne Seve (Letters, August 5) regurgitates the property lobby’s favourite untruth, namely that land tax is passed on to tenants. In its crudest form, this argument expects the reader to […]

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Mining Sovereignty Sold


photo credit: AveLardo Letter to the Editor – The Age Bryan Kavanagh, Glen Waverley It’s sickening to see the two major parties compete to sell Australians out as they kow-tow to foreign interests in connection with our natural resources. As Julia Gillard accedes to the requirements of the big miners, Tony Abbott says she’s still […]

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First Home Buyers Sink


photo credit: Gianni Dominici Letter to the Editor – The Age April 2nd, Karl Williams, Tecoma First home buyers sink WHATEVER you think of the ”buyer’s strike” aimed against buying homes at the top of the property cycle (Buyers strike goes viral), the time must surely have come to question our passive endorsement of ever-escalating […]

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Acres of Wealth


photo credit: HikingArtist.com Letter to the Editor Gavin Putland, LVRG, Melbourne 02/02/2011 THE value of land embraced by the latest extension of the urban growth boundary has jumped from $25,000 to $375,000 a hectare, raising the land tax bill for the average 40-hectare lot from $2975 a year to $294,975 a year (The Age, 1/2). […]

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Flat Tax of a Different Kind


photo credit: Darwin Bell Letter to the Editor – The Age 24/11 David Barkly, Nunawading Flat tax our future MELBOURNE will become more and more unliveable until population pressure is reduced by decentralisation. Part of the reason for Melbourne’s excessive growth at the expense of the rest of the state is the unfair distribution of […]

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Cut Concessions


photo credit: Sushanta Meh Letter to the Editor – AFR 31/08/2010 Gavin R. Putland, Melbourne Instead of prosecuting small businesses for making mistakes with capital gains tax concessions (“Tax Office hits small business”, AFR, August 30), why not abolish the concessions and use the extra revenue to lighten the compliance burdens concerning personal income tax […]

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