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Late Debate: Matt Canavan and Brendan O'Connor

Late Debate: Matt Canavan and Brendan O'Connor

David Lipson hosts this week's late debate, featuring Minister for Resources and Northern Australia, Matt Canavan, and Shadow Employment Minister, Brendan O'Connor.

Interview: Dan Shapiro

Interview: Dan Shapiro

As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wraps up his historic visit to Australia, David Lipson speaks to the former US Ambassador to Israel, Dan Shapiro.

Project blends Chinese tradition and street art for new collaboration

Project blends Chinese tradition and street art for new collaboration

One of Melbourne's busiest streets is hosting an artistic collaboration combining the city's famous street art, and the one thousand year old tradition of Chinese paper cutting. Hamish Fitzsimmons reports.

Chatline: The week in review

Chatline: The week in review

From transhumanists to the battle for Mosul, Jamie Cummins takes a look back at the week in stories.

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