Workers face pay cuts as Fair Work Commission slashes penalty rates

Posted February 23, 2017 12:48:00

Hundreds of thousands of workers are now facing a cut to their pay with the Fair Work Commission slashing Sunday penalty rates for some awards. In a long-awaited landmark ruling, the workplace relations tribunal acknowledged that its decision will cause hardship but said Sunday rates for fast food, retail and hospitality workers are too high. The unions are reacting angrily and vowing to campaign to get the Government to change the Fair Work Act. The Workplace Relations Minister says she's furious that a scare campaign has already begun.

Source: The World Today | Duration: 5min 28sec

Topics: unions, australia


Hundreds of thousands of workers are now facing a cut to their pay with the Commission slashing Sunday penalty rates for some awards.

In a long-awaited landmark ruling, the workplace relations tribunal acknowledged that its decision will cause hardship but said Sunday rates for fast food, retail and hospitality workers are too high.

The unions are reacting angrily and vowing to campaign to get the Government to change the Fair Work Act. The Workplace Relations Minister says she's furious that a scare campaign has already begun.


Iain Ross, President of the Fair Work Commission Justice
Michaelia Cash, Employment Minister
Ged Kearney, President of the ACTU