Long term stability in Iraq and Syria more important than tactics to defeat ISIS: analyst

Updated February 23, 2017 13:19:00

As the US-backed Iraqi forces make headway against IS, Australia's Foreign Minister Julie Bishop meeting with her US counterpart, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. Amongst other issues, the two will discuss what a victory against ISIS would look like. The World Today spoke to James Brown, a former Iraq and Afghanistan veteran who is now a policy analyst at the United States Studies Centre.

Source: The World Today | Duration: 5min 59sec

Topics: unrest-conflict-and-war, world-politics, terrorism, united-states, iraq


As the US-backed Iraqi forces make headway against IS, Australia's Foreign Minister Julie Bishop is in the US meeting her counterpart, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

She told AM this morning that she's been making sure Australia's perspectives on the battle against IS are well understood in Washington.

President Trump has ordered a review into strategies to defeat Islamic State, and Minister Bishop says she wanted to clarify the Trump administration's definition of success.

A short time ago I was joined by James Brown, a former Iraq and Afghanistan veteran who is now a policy analyst at the United States Studies Centre to discuss what success against IS could look like.