Drug overdose victim support should be rolled out statewide, advocates say

Posted February 23, 2017 22:31:50

Drug reform advocates have welcomed the Victorian Government's plans to provide greater support to drug users, overdose survivors and their families.

The $1.3-million plan will include subsidising the overdose "reversal" drug Naloxone and providing better support services for addicts and their families.

"It's a great step and we welcome the announcement," Penington Institute chief executive John Ryan told the ABC.

Naloxone is an anti-opioid which can be administered in the event of an overdose with almost instant results.

Currently a vial of Naloxone costs just over $6 for those with a prescription and a healthcare card, but it can cost as much as $100 if it is purchased over the counter.

For more than five years, the not-for-profit Penington Institute has been pushing for Naloxone to be more readily available to addicts and their families.

A year ago, Naloxone was made available without prescription.

"Survivors are more likely to overdose again so this support is vital," Mr Ryan said.

Training offered to administer life-saving drug

Coronial records reveal about 80 per cent of drug overdoses recorded in Victoria in 2015-2016 were a result of opioids such as oxycodone, codeine and methadone.

"This investment will help make Naloxone more affordable and provide more people with the skills to identify and respond to overdose," Minister for Mental Health Martin Foley said.

The Government plans to provide funding for community health services which will be able to buy the drug in bulk and distribute it for free to drug users and their families.

Funding will also be used to train family members and others who deal with drug addicts in how to administer the life-saving drug, as well as assisting them in dealing with the risk of overdose.

"The support services … will be very helpful in identifying and supporting the families and friends of people who've survived opioid overdoses," Mr Ryan said.

The Government is also set to fund outreach support programs for overdose survivors in six "hotspots" — Melbourne, Port Phillip, Yarra, Geelong, Brimbank/Maribyrnong and Dandenong.

"It'd be great if this initiative was available across Victoria — not just the hotspots," Mr Ryan said.

The program was revealed last night when Minister Foley addressed a National Family Drug Support Day forum in Melbourne aimed at raising awareness of what the families of drug users go through.

"No-one wants to see a family member or a friend suffer the horrors of addiction — licit or illicit," Mr Foley said.

"We will continue to invest in a range of community based responses to reduce the harm associated with drug use."

Topics: drugs-and-substance-abuse, community-and-society, drug-use, addictive, states-and-territories, melbourne-3000, vic